Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tocal Field Day + 24 Hours of Flickr

I've now uploaded the photos for my 24 hours of Flickr to a photo set here.
Hope it brings an interesting dimension to my post!
As you know, Leanne and I decided to head up to the Hunter for the TOCAL field day.
This seemed a good place to spend the 24 hours of Flickr that I was so willing to participate in, and I wanted to see Pete's college.
It was cool!
Leanne and I headed to Newport in the afternoon/evening to meet Mum for dinner, and to head up to the Hunter with her.
Dinner took ages, and we didn't end up leaving Newport until about 10:30pm, so didn't end up getting to our place in the Hunter until 1am (coz of going the freeway up to Cessnock, and stopping on the way for tea)... so that sucked... but it meant that we could start the 24hours of Flickr at midnight... as will be evidenced in the photo set I shall prepare tonight (I can't do it at work... the Flickr servers are blocked).
Unfortunately we took a lot of long exposure shots in the car, so the batteries died in my camera before I got one of my mailbox bathed in moonlight (although I don't think there was enough moonlight for it to work anyway). We were unsure that we were going to have power when we got home, but thank the gods (and Energy Australia), we had power. So I charged my batteries overnight, ready for a new and exciting day.
We headed off to Tocal later than we should have, and had to register Mum's Volvo on the way, so we didn't get there until 12:30pm... which meant Pete was only free for that quick half hour until he had to work (he was getting surveys from people). A bit of a bummer., coz I would have liked to have spent better time with him. Although he didn't let having to get surveys from people stop him from seeing us; he followed us around most of the day anyway. I met a few of his friends, and ended up going to dinner in Maitland with one of them (Carla?).
The Field Day was fun. There were markets, animals, rides (for the kids...), shows and farm equipment. You know, good ol' country fun. I bought myself some chilli sauces from the Chilli Factory (I bought the Turbo Supercharge, Fiery Frillneck Hiss, and Funnelweb Bite sauces. Fantastic. Ooh, a picture!

Yum yum yum. Unfortunately, they were out of the dragon's Blood sauce (they only brought one box), so I still can't try it on ice cream yet... next time... next time... I'm keen to cook up some chilli recipes now. Or at least some kind of food that I can use the sauces on. A while ago I downloaded the Byron Bay Chilli Co Recipe book (it's 64 pages!), so I'm keen to have a read of that... I want to print it, but feel bad printing 32 pages (double sided) at work. I'll see what happens.
Anyhow. I had a great day. It was really cool to see Pete's college, and it was great to meet some of his friends. I'm meant to be heading up to Scone B&S in a couple of weeks... I don't know what that'll be like... Don't even know where Leanne and I will sleep.
We went to a pub in East Maitland for dinner, and the food was tasty and filling. I had a chicken schnitzel with avocado, bacon and cheese (fat-tastic) and a Toohey's Old (there were some long-exposure, experimental-type photos taken at the table... I like the one with the ghost beer in it - I will link to it when I'm not typing this at work - *edit* here is the link).
The plan was to go down to Sydney Sunday morning, but we decided against it on Saturday, as the Hunter Valley is such a beautiful place. So Saturday night we stayed up late and watched the first disc of Twin Peaks Season 2 (I love Twin Peaks, but season 2 certainly is a little more... strange than season one), and went to bed late.
Woke up moderately late, went out to Cessnock for bacon and egg rolls, fucked around in the Warehouse (was looking for fish food, and didn't find any)... I bought a really cheap toothbrush that broke upon first use, and went to Woolworths for some cream to have with the Christmas Pudding that Mum bought from the markets (which was really average), and then we watched more Twin Peaks Season 2... yeah... weird... but awesome.
So we didn't get back to Newport until past 10pm, and didn't get back to West Ryde until nearly midnight... needless to say Leanne and I went straight to bed.
Because of the continual lack of work at TC, I took yesterday off because I thought my time would be better spent packing up West Ryde in preparation for Saturday's move. We brought a few boxes over to Leanne's house (all her books - which is actually a fuckload) and had some lunch. We had the great idea of heading over to Mum's place and cooking her curry for dinner too, and as Ross hadn't yet seen the place we invited him over too.
We cooked a delicious Pork Red Curry. Awesome.
And yes. We then went home and slept.
I am at work right now, and there has been no work all day - and there probably won't be any tomorrow either. I was meant to call Ron today to see how his work is going, but he isn't in today, so I will have to call him tomorrow.
Well, to say there is no work I guess isn't strictly true anymore; Lex has found some cleaning up work for me to do, so I'd best pop off and do it now (Sorry to cut the detail down for the last few paragraphs).
There will probably be a fair few "I'm bored" posts to come in the following days... be prepared.

Listening to: Infected Mushroom - Vicious Delicious (So god damn cool... sets an awesome stage for my memory of the concert to perform upon... a cool fucking album)


Anonymous said...

A delicious LAMB red curry, Simon... goes to show who did the actual cooking! ;-)

JadeMonkee said...

Woah. Goes to show who pays attention at work.
Totally not thinking.

JadeMonkee said...

PS I'll cook YOU!

Anonymous said...

Would you cook me in a peanut sauce? I think that's the way I'd like to go.