Saturday, May 19, 2007

Balmain, A Hangover, Spinach & Cheese Doodads and a Half Hour Wait .

Balmain, A Hangover, Spinach & Cheese Doodads and a Half Hour Wait .
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Balmain last night was awesome fun. We drank, we talked, we laughed. We are now paying the price - Leanne moreso than I, but dues are being paid.
Leanne wants an ice coffee. Or a water. Whatever is available.
There is no drink machine on this platform. I curse you, West Ryde Station.
We also met up with Denise. Denise is cool.
This morning Leanne and I had to move that stupid fucking wardrobe out of the West Ryde house (we also had to mow the lawns again, but that didn't get done), so we stayed the night on the floor there. Not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.
We moved the wardrobe out of the house with no problem (it was a lot harder getting it in), but don't have a trailer to move it off of the premises. That will happen later. Today? Tomorrow? Some time soon.
We did what had to be done, and we handed the keys in. I don't know when they'll do the final inspection again.
In an attempt to calm the demons swimming through our veins, Leanne and I went up to the shops and bought chips, a salad and some drinks. This helped a little, but not enough. Especially for Leanne. I'm not doing so bad actually. Although I did fall asleep on the toilet this morning.
A few weeks ago (two, maybe), Mickey contacted Leanne about her formatting his Mother's (Susan) book in InDesign. Leanne had to meet up with Susan today to talk it over with her - she was down in Sydney for Mickey's graduation. She lives in Eumundi, in Qld.
After sitting in the car for some time, wondering if we really had to go back to Carlingford to pick up Susan's manuscript, we decided to call Mickey and find out. Good news; we didn't. So we headed over to West Ryde station to go straight to the Art Gallery to meet Mickey and Susan.
On the way, we stopped at the Lebanese Bakery and bought a Spinach and Cheese Doodad (as they are now known) each from there. So tasty.
Unfortunately, we saw the train leaving the station before we had even made it to the bakery, and upon arrival at the station we found out there was a half hour wait for the next train. Thus this post.
More later.
This message was sent from my mobile.


Anonymous said...

You know why sleeping on the floor wasn't as uncomfortable as predicted? Because we were FUCKEN pissed as.

JadeMonkee said...

Haha. Good point.