Friday, May 04, 2007

No work at work- bored.

I'm bored at work now.
We are out of work, and probably will be for a little while. I should probably call Ron from Premier Illawarra, but can't really be bothered.
Probably gonna leave a little early today as I'm bored... I just have to call Mum first and find out what time she will be leaving to go up to the Hunter.
Oh yes, Leanne and I have decided to go to the TOCAL field day that Peter invited us to. We will probably be getting a lift with Mum, depending on what time she will be heading back down to Sydney on Sunday - otherwise we will have to drive. If we are getting a lift with her, then Leanne and I will just meet her at Botany, have dinner and head up... of course this complicates packing (as I haven't yet). Anyway. Minor problems, trivial talk. At least the TOCAL field day will be a more interesting event for 24 Hours of Flickr.
I didn't end up making the Chilli Hummingbird Cake for TC morning tea, and didn't do the Caramel Slice either. I ended up making a very simple Hedgehog slice, which was pretty nice. Lex forgot she had to bake today, so she ducked out and bought a Caramel Cheesecake (which was very sweet, and I feel a little oogy because of it... I so don't want lunch right now).
I'm bored.
I'm going to go to the pub and have a beer with Josh.

PS My manager is being a cock about the format of my timesheets. It is annoying.

Listening to: Faith No More - King For a Day, Fool For a Lifetime (Album) - It's been so long! I didn't realise how much I missed you!

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