Sunday, October 28, 2007

Save an Alien

A meteor is about to hit a planet populated with 10,000,000 aliens, and they will die if you don't adopt one.
Best facebook app ever. Or close enough. I like it is all...
It's so hard to choose just one!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Still Workin

Still Workin
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Now we're puttin up the safety cables on the deck. And it's about to storm. Fun!
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Painting is Fun

Painting is Fun
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

At Mickey's, painting, painting, painting. Almost finished, then it'll be cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dogs Pooping

This evening Simon and I were astounded to realise just how many videos of dogs pooping are posted to YouTube - and, knowing how much you guys love dogs and poop, we have linked to some good ones below:

Pebbles Can't Get Rid of It

Dog Pooping on Ice

Little Bro Falls in Dog Crap

PS: Don't jump Edward...

Peking Duck II

Peking Duck II
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

The second and third courses arrived at the same time; duck sang choy bow and duck soup.
Little disappointed that we were only given one lead each of sang choy bow, but we'll certainly be full enough afterward, so no real cause for complaint.
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Peking Duck I

Peking Duck I
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Up at the Beijing Duck Restaurant at North Rocks, and Lilly and I decided to get Peking Duck,
I will post updates at the courses progress.
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Jade MacRae

Jade MacRae
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Ok. There's this Melbourne artist, Selina Cross, that Mum likes from MySpace. She was opening for Jade MacRae tonight at the Vanguard; it was to be her first Sydney gig.
The Vanguard is a good venue (they provide a tasty dinner), so Mum figured she'd take Lilly and I for a night out.
Turns out that Jade MacRae is "So Hot Right Now" so Talan decided he wanted to come along, too.
Only, after we were served dinner, the opening act came on.
"Sorry that Selina Cross couldn't make it tonight. We were only told today about this gig."
HaHa. We were only there for Selina (although I've never heard her). Typical really.
The opening band, The Hipstones, were meant to be a 9 piece usually, but tonight there was only 4 of them. They were below average soul. Nothing new, completely dull. For their sake I hope that they are better with all 9 pieces.
BUT, as it turned out, Jade MacRae was AWESOME! Totally phat organs, bass and hot backup singers to boot. And she could sing! Yeah. Turned out awesome.
The food and the cocktails were fucking great, too. Only I wish I didn't have dessert; I'm "So Fat Right Now."
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(For no real reason I might add that I sent this photo in using my mobile after the concert, but something has gone wrong at Flickr headquarters, and it never uploaded, and as such was subsequently never blogged. So I've retyped it, edited the timestamp, and hey presto, it's like it really happened...)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Actually Sober and Sexy

Actually Sober and Sexy
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Mick and Lilly want to clarify that they are actually sober.
I bet.
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All Fucked Up

All Fucked Up
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Ok. I'm over at Mickey's place and we're all fucked up.
It's awesome.
Listenin to Yello; the coolest 80's synth-pop band in the world. You better believe it.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Job!

The phone interview went very well. They all seemed very impressed with my responses to the questions they asked, and were generally happy with me.
So happy in fact, that about two hours later, they called me and offered me the position!
They said that I am the preferred candidate, and as such have the choice of doing the program with either Brisbane City Council (BCC) or the Qld Police Force.
This is actually a pretty hard decision.
The Police Force will be cool - I mean, I'll be doing crime analyses, and they work with live data (which is awesome fun and crazy cool).
However, BCC will offer me work more closely related to the Environmental half of my degree, and as such I am currently leaning toward that option.
Ultimately I want an environmental job, so I think I will go for BCC. Another advantage of BCC is that I will be able to take advantage of the training programs that they offer.
Exciting, only I don't know what the wages will be - I'm expecting around $45k, which is a fairly dramatic pay cut from my last job, but this job offers a thing called *opportunity* plus, Brisbane has cheaper living costs than Sydney.
I'll be starting in either late November or January, I'm not sure yet, and I'm waiting for the email from them with all the details.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mum!

Mum and I (I'm drunk)
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

It's Mum's 50th Birthday today!
Happy Birthday, Mumsy!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Somewhere on the Hawkesbury with Aaron and Leanne for a day of sun and wakeboarding. They didn't have boots in my size, so I'm going to have a go at skiing. Fun.
Then Leanne and I are off to the city for Monique's thingy. What a day.
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I've now uploaded more photos here.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Talan's 21st

Man. What a party. I only remember two things after the speeches; falling off of a bale of hay, and sitting next to the toilet. I don't remember throwing up, but Ally said she had to flush spew, and my teeth felt like I had thrown up.
I can say with fair confidance that I drank too much.
But what an awesome party it was. Totally awesome.
I'm currently in Cessnock waiting for pizza. I hope I can stomach it.
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