Monday, May 28, 2007

The Bus is Quicker

The Bus is Quicker
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

I caught a lift with Leanne's Dad this morning. Mainly because Leanne has a job interview at 9:30am, so we all decided to go in together. This meant that Leanne and I could have breakfast together in the city, and I thought that would be really nice. It also meant we could use the T3 lane. So it shouldn't take as long. Of course, it isn't T3 the whole way, so it still isn't as fast as the bus (which takes the M2 and the Lane Cove Tunnel).
But it's free, and it means I get to have breakfast with Leanne - and I like Leanne.
I'll be leaving work late tonight because of this though, so it's not without it's downsides.
This message was sent from my mobile.

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