Friday, October 13, 2006

No tickets?

Looks like BDO decided not to charge me for the tickets... So I don't know if I actually have tickets.
So here's a copy of the email I sent them (as it gives a better outline of what happened)
Hi there!
Early this morning I purchased 3x tickets to the Sydney Big Day Out, and was a little concerned that I had not been charged for them (but as the website said that it could take some time, I thought I'd leave it in your hands).
However, a few moments ago, my brother asked if I could also purchase him a ticket to the Gold Coast Big Day Out, so I did so. Contrary to the previous time, my credit card was charged immediately.
Also, last night, after hitting the confirm button, I was taken to a page listing the Big Day Out shows (no confirmation), while when I purchased the Gold Coast one just then, I was directed to a confirmation page teling me that I had been succesfully charged. I checked my balance online, and indeed, I had been (but only for 1x ticket to the Gold Coast show).
So did you guys ever receive my order for 3x tickets to the Sydney Big Day Out at approx 00:25 this morning (13th Oct 2006)? (I sent a text message to my friend when I bought them telling him that he got a ticket, so I have an approximate time stamp on when I finished the order. I also MSN'ed two friends at that time).
I hope everything is alright (I've already missed out on tickets to the Tool sideshow)
Thank you for your time (I understand you a very busy right now),
Kindest regards,
I don't want to hop on over to ticketmaster, as I don't want to not go through the BDO website after contacting them (and on the chance that it's just a delayed order).
So I'm going to just sit tight and hope for the best.
I might also add that only 1/2 an hour before I found out that they charged instantly, the BDO website sold out of tickets. The only way to get Sydney tickets at the moment is through Ticketmaster and Red Eye Records. Cross your fingers people.

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