Monday, September 04, 2006

Jobby job-job

Soooooooo. I worked today. Was good. The work seems easy, the office staff are friendly, the pay is actually $25 (not the previuosly thought $24), and the environment in cruisy.
The hours are flexible within set conditions:
I have to be at the office between 9:30am and 4pm, but I can arrive before 9:30am and leave after 4pm if I want. I can take lunch whenever I want, for as long as I want, just as long as it is at least 1/2 an hour, and I work at least 7 hours in a day, and no more than 40 a week. Easy.
It's located just behind Town Hall, so is very central, and every Friday we go out for drinks. Yeah. Tops. I got my ID card today, whereas other other people had to wait a week before they got theirs. Sick. I will be in training for about 2 weeks, but after that I will be completely independent. Hot stuff.
This evening, I also tried the first of the 6 beers that Ross bought me in congratulations on finally getting a job. I tried "Rolling Rock." A nice refreshing Pennsylvanian lager, light on the pallete, and completely inoffensive. I look forward to working my way up toward the stronger beers. Thanks Ross!
But the day wasn't all joy.
You may or may not have heard about Steve Irwin. He died today. It's funny that in the last few months I have been watching his show a fair bit and really enjoying it. I think it's very saddening that he died at the young age of 44. Here's to ya Steve!

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