Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Adventures on the Train, pt 1

Yup, train trips are dull. I'm pretty happy that I get on at Thornleigh though, as I always get a seat. It'd suck having to stand.
So, what's interesting to look at on the train today? Certainly not the scenery. Any attractive ladies? I can't really be sure, as none are facing me.
What else?
There's one of those technology/lifestyle newspaper pull-outs on the floor, but I took a look at it earlier, and it was only "journalists" putting forth bias (read: paid) reviews of products I don't want/need/could make my own mind up on.
So what else?
I played Solitaire for a little while - as I do every train trip - but thought this activity had the potential to be interesting. I think I was wrong, and I'm pretty sure you're just as bored as I (What are you doing, Simon! The fourth wall! The fourth wall!).
Ha how funny is that, when I type wall, y2k comes up before I've typed the last "l" in wall. I wonder how often THAT has been typed across Nokias worldwide. Why freakin add it?
I was gonna bring a book today; I plum forgot (is that how you spell plum in this situation?). I don't know if I should bring my current State of The Universe(s) book (which is beginning to bore me, as I'm reading it so rarely), or grab the next Terry Pratchet book. Wow, such decisions. Isn't life hard?
Anyway, it looks like I've wasted enough time rambling; we just left Central.
Until next time.
This message was sent from my mobile.

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