Monday, May 01, 2006

10 000 Days

so I'm FINALLY listening to the new Tool album. I must say I'm impressed. I've just moved into what seems to be a second act (there was a brief interlude, and the music sounds different now). I think I preffered the first act, especially as the track Rosetta Stoned sounds very much like parts of Schism (I think it's Schism, it reminds me very strongly of a particular riff off of Lateralus anyway).
What's up with the Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann) song? Well, not so much the song, but that weird Aussie-esque doctor's voice... not quite Australian, not quite English. Odd. I like the way it leads into Rosetta Stoned though. I quite like the transitions so far. I also like the way that the lyrics are slowing down as the song progresses... considering this was the song I found disappointing because of it sounding a little like Schism, I sure am pointing out alot of cool bits in it... maybe it's just because it's the song I'm listening to right now...
I'm not yet up to that epic, ejaculate-in-your-pants song that the guy at Infected Mushroom told me about... but it isn't 15 minutes long anyway; the last song is only 5 minutes or so. Maybe it's the one before the last track? I dunno. We'll see.
Anyway. The album is tops, and I can only seeing it becoming better with subsequent listens.
Tool: You guys rock my world!

Listening to: Did you read my post above?

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