Monday, May 15, 2006

No Title today, thanks...

So, nothing really happened this week. Well, kinda.
I did finally post Helen's present, and actually, a couple of days after posting it, I get an SMS from her confirming that she'll be over here next month! Woopee! I just hope that she gets the present before she gets here... Simon, you are truly a bum.
But not much else really happened. I went to the Hunter this weekend, but didn't so anything. The family went out for dinner last night to celebrate Mothers day with Ally's family.
But that's really it.
This weekend I'll be heading to Taree to see Sophie (it's been way too long). Can't wait for that. Will be booking the train ticket soon.
Oh, and this Thursday the Zoobombs are playing at the Annandale, so I'll be going to see them coz they rock like crazy motherfuckers.
And that's it I think.
I've been playing a lot of The Secret of Monkey Island on my DS. Thank you ScummDS, you rock my world.
So yeah.

Listening to: Coal Chamber - Chamber Music (Album). Thought I'd relive year 10 with some metal from my youth.

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