Thursday, May 04, 2006

Infected Mushroom

So those Infected Mushroom CDs that I ordered a few weeks ago arrived yesterday, and I'm now listening to the the IM The Supervisor CD... kinda getting almost flashbacks to the concert... not quite flashbacks, but when I first heard the title track, I kinda got goosebumps and a slight sense of euphoria... mainly because it was during that particular song (during the concert) that I lost my mind/ability to do shit. Yeah.
I want to see them again. I just hope next time I can remember stuff. Actually, I hope next time I'm able to comprehend what's going on...
But anyway. I like them. Alot.
So tomorrow is Sophie's graduation, so I'm heading out to the city for drinks with her... only, she has to leave Sydney at about 1pm, and is staying at a friends house (with her parents) where I can't stay. Sucks. So we'll see what happens. She's pretty buggered from this new job (it's pretty full on), so I don't know how long she'll be able to stay out for (especially as we're not even heading out until about 10/11pm). Anyway, it will be beyond wonderful to see her again.
On Wednesday I finally received my refund on the (crap) camera I received for Christmas, and as such, I just bought a Canon A700, which looks like a super kickass camera. I love Ebay. Nat was going to sell me one for cost price, but I saw it on Ebay for only $10 more, but including a case, spare battery and a mini tripod (oh and some lense cleaners too). Rocks. Also, it comes with a 2 year warranty too! Sick!
So I'm pretty stoked. Only bummer is that it's a pretty chunky camera (especially compared to the Pentax that it is replacing). I see the extra size as being very much worth it though.
So that's about it. We'll see how the weekend turns out, and you'll hear about it.
Woah. Bit's of the concert are coming back to me. I'm listening to Meduzz now, and I totally remember them playing it. The guitar bit(s) rock(s).

Listening to: Infected Mushroom - IM The Supervisor (Album)

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