Thursday, August 31, 2006

After the Interview

Hi there!
The interview seemed to go well - although I don't feel as confident as I did after the first one. I mean, I can't see any reason why I would be unsuitable for the job, but the interview seemed really quick (too quick), and these people didn't fill me with the confidence that I was filled with after the first interview.
They said that they'd let Amy (my contact at the recruitment agency) know by this afternoon. They also asked me how soon I can leave my other job - I told them "immediately" so I guess I have that in my favour.
Fingers crossed...
That's it really.
Went to the Greengate last night to have a few drinks for Tommy's 18th (Linden's brother), wasn't bad. Tommy got pretty drunk, coz everyone was buying him drinks. I'm still flat fucking broke, so I only had a beer Jon bought me, and one Tommy didn't want.
Yeah. That's it.
This message was sent from my mobile.

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