Friday, April 27, 2007

Ross is movin in, we're movin out.

So Ross has decided that Chris is a manipulative fuck, and is moving out. He's found a place in Balmain, but the lease doesn't start until the 14th, so he's going to be moving in with Leanne and I until then. Only thing is that last week Leanne and I handed our notice in to our agent, and we will be moving out on the 12th. Timing.
Leanne and I aren't sure where we will be moving, but Pyrmont is on the cards... I just don't know how likely we are to get approval on my wage alone. So, if we can't find a place before the 12th, Leanne and I will be moving in with her parents until we do. I'm unsure how that will be.
So Leanne and I now have to clean the house. Yech. I have cleaning. We have to do it this weekend too, coz the agent can start bringing in clients 14 days before the 12th. They say they will try and give 24 hours notice, but can't always. Renting rules.
So the plan tonight was either to start cleaning, go see Midnight Juggernauts, or go see The King Brothers (which really did have potential).
But then Mike offered a night at his place with weed and drink. So Leanne and I accepted that offer. Ross is coming along too (he would have been going to one of the concerts, too).
So it should be an alright night. And cheap. I like cheap.
I'm currently on the train back to West Ryde. I'll be heading to Mike's around 8pm.
I finished reading An Imaginary Life by David Malouf on the train last night. I really fucking liked it. It conjured so many images in my head (which doesn't usually happen... at least not so vividly). Yeah. Fucking cool book. Thanks for the recommendation, Leanne!
I will be starting Ben Okri's The Famished Road next week. Look forward to it!

Listening to: Cradle of Filth - Thornography. Still kicking fucking arse.
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