Wednesday, April 04, 2007

How am I?

Ross emailed me a few moments ago asking how I was.
Having to respond to that simple question was harder than I thought.
I wanted to do a blog post this morning, so I think I will just stick that email in as the post:

Hard to say, really.
Work is pretty shit at the moment, and I told Dad to go fuck himself yesterday (once and for all, I would say) after Tommasina (I don't know how to spell her stupid fucking name) rang and told Mum to get out of their lives (she wasn't even in their life), and then told her how Mum stopped Dad from ever being a father to us, and if it weren't for Dad Mum would be trailer trash, along with many other lines of bullshit. So I wrote dad a text message that basically told him that I don't appreciate his wife telling my mother off, and I don't appreciate him lying about what happened during the divorce, that I have no respect for him, and I've never considered him my father. I ended it with me telling him and his wife to go get fucked, and have a nice life.
So I feel weird about that. I kinda regret it, but I think it's justified. The regret stems from the fact that I was looking forward to seeing him again, and enjoyed both his and Helen's company last we saw each other (Helen is his kid with Tommasina), so that's a little disappointing.
I also didn't get paid today (hopefully it will be coming in later), and I have absolutely NO money left. It's lucky that I have raisin toast here at work, because I was relying on my pay to buy lunch today.
But in contrast to that, I had lunch with Denise yesterday, and that was nice. I also have Great Escape this weekend, which will be awesome (I just wish I had more money for it). I also have a wonderful girlfriend that I love and who loves me. So yeah. Hard to say. I don't know how I am at the moment.

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