Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bogus chargers

Ah man!
The chargers that I ordered off of ebay arrived last week; one car charger, and one USB charger.
I planned on creating a journey of my way home from Wollombi on Sunday night, but the car charger didn't work (and my battery wouldn't last the journey).
Just now, at work, I noticed that my battery was about to die, so I grabbed my handy-dandy USB charger and plugged it in. A "not-charging" warning showed.
You motherfucker.
Bastard ripped me off.
I have emailed him telling him that they don't work (but doubt I will hear from him - he's no longer a registered user), and will have to wait a few days, then contact PayPal to see if I can get a refund.
Bastard wanker.
And they were handy items, too.
Aside from that, the weekend was awesome. Details soon (when I have some time to type them up).


Anonymous said...

Bet your glad that the malfunction in them didnt make your phone blow up though! Better to not get any power out of them than get the wrong levels.. ie the charger that dick smith guy tried selling you..

JadeMonkee said...

Most definately!
Of course, this couldn't happen with the USB charger (as it's a 5v supply, and my phone uses a 5v charger - but then again, on that logic, why doesn't it work?), but the car one... indeed. Dodgy.
Looks like I'll have to fork out the $$ for a real charger.