Friday, March 30, 2007

Still sick.

I went to work on Wednesday and Thursday (7:20am -> 7:00pm), but Thursday evening saw me feel like shit... Thursday night I felt like utter shit. So I'm taking today off.
I think it's the flu.
Bummer, coz I have important work to do at TC, and we just got our new PCs in, so I wanted to set mine up... But, it shall be done Monday.
I was also going to have lunch with Denise, but that has been postponed until Tuesday. So many reasons to go to work.
Also, because I'm so broke, I will have to work up my hours next week. So more loooong days. Sucks.
And things will be tight because of all the public holidays coming up (and the fact that I will be spending money at The Great Escape).
Ah. Fun.

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