Monday, August 06, 2007


You may or may not have noticed that I started a Facebook account on Friday.
I did this out of boredom. I thought it would give me something to do while I wait for work at TC. I'm not sure I should have.
I don't use MySpace anymore, and I'm probably not going to use Facebook - certainly not to the degree to which it is meant to be used.
It's a great website, full of really good, techy features, so why won't I use it?
I just can't be fucked checking it.
I like my Blog. I write, people read. I get all the personalisation that I want, and I don't have to respond to anything but the occasional comment.
But with Social Networks I have to check it all the time, I have to respond to messages, pokes, invitations, comments, wall markings, and friend requests, and I've been accused of ignoring people when I don't (I might add that if you're reading this, relax; I'm not talking about you).
Facebook is clearly better than MySpace - in terms of features, interface, bandwidth consumption, cleanliness, open API (and the subsequent applications it spawns), ability to use feeds, no friend ranking, the list goes on and on. It's a great product and a great idea.
But I just don't sit online anymore.
I'm not going to sit in front of Facebook and browse. I'm not going to trawl through profile pages and send a virtual puppy to someone whose status reads "feeling down."
I'm not going to spend hours customising my page, deciding what song best describes how I feel at the moment, or what text colour reflects me as a person (I already did that on my blog, haha). I'm not going to create lists of my favourite things, so people can decide if they want to be my friend or not. I'm not going to spend hours uploading and tagging photos for yet another site (I already have Flickr for that, thank you), and I'm not going to spend the time looking at your profiles, either.
I just don't do that anymore.
My virtual life has shrunk to a lone Blog (ok, ok, there's Flickr and Jaiku, too...). I really don't use the Internet like I used to.
So I'm considering deleting both my MySpace and my Facebook account - I will save you all the trouble of poking me, writing something on my wall, or tagging my/your photos. If you need to contact me; email is good, phone is better.
If you needed to resort to a social networking site to contact me (because you don't have my phone number or email address), chances are that I probably don't miss you, and won't want to catch up with you for coffee.
If you want to find me on a social network, how about the pub? I like the pub, and I don't have to worry about typos there.
That is all.

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