Friday, March 07, 2008

A Night Out

A Night Out
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

After going to Toby's wife's opening (that sounds more sexual than it was meant to), Lilly and I stayed back with some people we hadn't met before. We then followed these people to dinner where I had a Mexican style pizza with possibly (if not probably) the hottest chilli I've ever had on it. You heard me. My mouth swelled up, I couldn't talk properly, and was having slight trouble breathing. Holy cow. Hot.
After we left, there was a long walk back to the car, where we came across a BWS. Now, the great thing about finding a BWS, is that they stock "Star Ice" which is a failed product. The upshot of this is that BWS is selling their left over stock for $20 a case. No matter how you figure it out, that's a fucken bargain.
So Lilly and I are headin home now and are gonna have a party.
Oh, and I bought a second controller for my Wii today, so we may just end up having a Mario Party. Hell yeah.

Listening to: Timo Maas - Loud (and lovin the BEATS!)
This message was sent from my mobile.

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