Friday, February 29, 2008

Ween Tonight.

Can you believe it? Ween. Ween are playing tonight, and I'm seeing them.
I've been wanting to see these guys since maybe 2000. Now I shall see them tonight. Such excitement. Such anticipation. Man. Can't wait.
I want a Tshirt and a poster, and whatever other awesome shit they have.
And you know what else?
I get to see them play in Sydney tomorrow night, too! Shit yeah!
It's gonna be a crazy weekend. Not only because I'm seeing Ween play twice, but because I'm only flying one way to Sydney; Leanne's Dad is driving us back up to Brisbane on Sunday morning. Why, you ask?
Because that's how we're getting the last of our crap up to Brissie. The upshot of that is that Saturday will be spent packing our shit. I'm not entirely sure how we're gonna fit it all, but we're gonna try. Leanne's Dad is a good packer.
Oh, and one final piece of cruelty: our flight to Sydney leaves at 5:25 Saturday morning. Yesssss!
It's SO worth it though!
See you at WEEN!

Listening to: Ween (duh) - 12 Golden Country Greats. Fantastic.
This message was sent from my mobile.

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