Friday, January 23, 2009

Gettin Back To Magic

Gettin Back To Magic
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

From inspiration I can't remember, I've been thinking about Magic: The Gathering a fair bit lately. I used to play it in high school, but stopped around year 10, I guess. Then, at Uni, I found out that one of my best mates played, too, and there was a resurgence. It of course, died off, too.
Yet I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Unfortunately, I don't have any of my cards anymore, so last week I went over to Ace Comics and Games in Queen St Mall and bought a duel deck.
I told them that I was hoping to get back into it, and that I was also trying to get Lilly into it. They warned me that the duel deck I was looking at was pretty advanced, so said they'd have a peek out back and see if they had any starter kits left. They were given a bunch of Series 9 starter kits for free when Series 10 came out, and sure 'nuff they had one. So they gave it to me for free! Woo!
Definitely for the best, too, as the advanced set didn't come with a rule book, and I've had to refer to the one included with the beginner set several times. As a second bonus the beginner set was set up for a turn-by-turn guided game, which I think is a good way to learn. It's all worked well.
Lilly and I have probably played about 8 games, and last night we decided to open up the advanced pack. The cards are so much more fun, and the gameplay so much more complicated (and enjoyable). It's good to be playing again.

Just thought I'd tell you that.

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