Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Adventures in Energy Drink

Adventures in Energy Drink
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Ho ho! What's this? Yet another energy drink on the market?
Spring Valley have now jumped on the increasingly overloaded band wagon with a line of energy drinks.
Spring Valley, traditionally makers of juices, is trying to differentiate this line of energy drinks by mixing them with juice. There's citrus, blueberry, and this curious mix of blood orange and chilli.
Woah, slow down for a moment there. Did you say chilli?
Obviously, this is something I can't resist; caffeine AND chilli. It's like a match made in heaven.
So I picked one up just now.
There is that definite energy drink taste that Coke tried (and failed) to step away from, but it really is only an undertaste. The blood orange is tasty, and the chilli is actually detectable, which is more than I can say for most "hot" or "spicy" products on the market.
I will be buying this again.
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