More Tool Love
Hey, guess what. I'm once again in bed listening to Tool's 10 000 Days, and I thought I should tell you folk that I Love this album. LOVE IT!
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This is my blog, duh.
I post all about things I have done, seen, or noticed, as well as things I am thinking about, want to share, or am excited about.
Insights, rants, philosophies, aspirations, desires, curios, and fart-jokes may also make an appearance - as will Leanne.
Forgive us when we ramble.
Hey, guess what. I'm once again in bed listening to Tool's 10 000 Days, and I thought I should tell you folk that I Love this album. LOVE IT!
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Posted by
9:42 pm
This is fucking awesome:
That is all.
Posted by
1:15 pm
Tags: humour
Yay! Helen's here!
She arrived last Wednesday, and I've seen her most days since her arrival. It's wonderful to see here again, and Ivan too. Unfortunately Ivan leaves next Friday, but at least we got to see him, and at least the others got to meet him/he met the others. Champ that guy.
So, what have we been up to? Drinking mainly. Alot of drinking. Mainly the city, but we have also drank at the Greengate and at North Sydney too. We were meant to go to the Russian restaurant on Saturday night, but apparently it's really busy, and we need to book ahead, so we're doing it in a few weeks time instead.
Bummed today. I had a driving lesson at 12:15pm, and was relying on Mum coming down from the Hunter to give me a lift to her work at Botany (where the driving lesson would be held), but she found more important things to do, and I'm still waiting at Jon's for her to pick me up - despite it now being 12:50pm. So obviously I've missed the driving lesson (at least Michael Boardman gave me one on Saturday), and I wanted to go to the Blue Mountains with Linden, Helen and Ivan today too, but didn't because of the driving lesson. Sucks. Well, I suppose I couldn't have really gone anyway because I'm flat fucking broke. Actually, I already owe both Jon and Helen $20 each. So, instead, I'm going in to Mum's work. Maybe there's a job I can do, and earn some money. Doubt it. What I am going to do though, is gind out what the fuck is happening with my Uncle replacing the stolen goods. I hope he wasn't bullshitting me; it's beginning to seem that way.
Oh, speaking of the stolen goods, I found out today that Rockbox for the iriver H340 has finally optimised battery life. A standard battery now gives up to 20 hours - and less than a week before mine was stolen I'd put in a high capacity battery. So that really sucks. I want an H340 again; they're better than a stinkin ipod. The only bummer is that if I were to replace my iriver, I would also have to purchase a 60GB HDD for it, as my last one was full. So that's why I'm getting an ipod instead - cheaper. Sucks. I want my H340.
Ooh, forgot to say. On Friday was the MC Lars, TZU and Butterfingers concert, and it kicked solid fucking arse! I bought an MC Lars T-Shirt, and his CD, and got the CD signed! Sweet! He was a dude!
TZU went fucking off (they owned the crowd), and did some mad freestyling/improv. I'd looove to see them again.
And Butterfingers were totally kickass. Great fun. And the Ska songs that appear on their latest album kicked fucken arse too! A great concert!
Went out for some drinks afterward, but couldn't afford much. We ended up getting home at 4:30am because of having to wait for the bus for an hour or so. Stoopid nightrider.
The next day was my driving lesson with Boardman, and the planned Russian dinner.
Instead of going to Russian we (Helen, Ivan, Ross, Jana, Jon, Boggle and I) went to a pub in North Sydney were we used to go to when Helen lived nearby. Ah, the memories.
I'd run out of money the night before, so I didn't drink much, so we didn't stay out late. But it was an enjoyable night.
I spent yesterday and last night bummin' around at Jon's, and in fact, that's what I'm still doing (although Jon is at work).
You know, I think that's it.
Until next time!
Listening to: Ween - Live in Chicago (Album)
Posted by
12:50 pm
Another weekend gone. Well, this one was a loooong weekend, but it's still gone. It was spent up at the Hunter, preparing the house for a potential buyers inspection on Sunday afternoon. Fun.
Turns out that it wasn't even the potential buyer coming anyway; rather one of her friends - the potential buyer will come next weekend.
Despite that, we cleaned the house to look as schmick as possible, and the lady looking at the house loved it.
Also, Ross came up Sunday, and spent the night, which was jolly good of him.
Monday was market day in Wollombi, and Ross came along to the market too. It was there that Brendan and Leanne met up with us too. They ended up staying the night too (Ross went home in the afternoon), and today we went around the vinyards of Pokolbin. A lovely day.
So the potentially horridly dull weekend actually ended up being rather enjoyable.
Also, Helen comes in tomorrow. Which reminds me, I want to meet her at the airport tomorrow morning... but I need to get there. I better figure that out soon. I'm also working at 3:30pm at Central Station tomorrow too. Hmmm.
I've also got the Butterfingers concert on Friday night. This promises to be a good week. Now if only Sophie would call me...
So yeah, that update was pretty dull, but I was bored at Hornsby station and thought I'd do an update to pass the time.
There you go.
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Posted by
5:17 pm
Tags: weekend
Sorry that it's been so long; Mum told Telstra to fuck themselves, so we don't have a phone line at the moment, and no phone line means no internet. Sucks. Needless to say, I'm sending this from my mobile.
I'll give you a brief rundown of the weekends events, but it will be brief coz I can't really be bothered typing on the phone.
Was Boggle's birthday on Thursday, so we drank a fair bit at Brendan's place (stayed up till 6am). Then went out Friday to the city for Boggles birthday again. We went to The Clare to meet up with his Uni mates. Those that were there included Boggle (duh), Jon, Leanne, Ross and Tristan. We met up with Mickey S and some of his friends later too. Drank a fair bit that night too, and ended up getting back to Jon's at 6:30am.
Bummed around at Jon's all day Saturday with Boggle and Leanne (and Jon, duh), and met up with Brendan for dinner at Satay Queen. So cheap, so tasty.
Also bummed at Jon's the next day, but at least left the house to go see X Men 3 at Chatswood. Was pretty corny.
Oh, I also found out that the insurance company won't be covering my goods, as our policy doesn't cover theft outside of the house. The big bummer is that Mum was about to start a policy for the Scotland Island house that WOULD have covered theft outside of the house, but she couldn't afford it, so she didn't take it up. Sucks.
So my uncle is trying to find cheap replacements for some of the goods that were stolen from me, so I hope that works out.
Although since losing my iriver I've been reading more. I really do love reading. I just finished Bill Bryson's "Short History of Nearly Everything" for the second time, and as I said after reading it the first time, shit it's a good book. In read it. Absolutely fascinating.
Oh, I nearly forgot. We signed the contract for a house in Newport Beach on Tuesday morn. It's a cool little house, but the bedrooms are tiny. The best thing about it though is that it has a big downstairs room like our old house at Tuzza, which will be brilliant for entertaining. Sweet. Settlement isn't until 30th November though, so that we will have time to sell the Hunter house before we move (and have to pay for it).
So anyway, that's pretty much all that's going on in my life right now.
Until next time.
Posted by
3:56 pm