Sunday, October 23, 2005

The weekend

Well... Tim L has been accepted into the airforce (life-long dream) as a navigator (hopefully a jet navigator), so on Friday night we had a farewell dinner for him at a new restaurant in Hornsby. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I only shared a dish with Monique, but the food was great, and we had a fair bit of wine.
We then went over to the Blue Gum for more drinks. Quite a few more drinks actually, but I didn't really get drunk. A good thing.
I played one horrible game of pool, and then played so well I won the next 3. Kickass.
We then went over to the RSL and had a few more drinks.
The night ended at about 4am, and I was buggered the next day (and still feeling under the weather).
Watched Team America which was hella funny, and then popped on the 2:50pm from Hornsby and went home (with a stopover at Yummy Thai in Morisett).
Didn't do much today, watched The Night of the Lepus which is a terrible '70s movie about giant rabbitts. Pretty cruisy.
I still feel under the weather - but so much physically anymore (a good thing I suppose), and am rather bored.
I've come very close to finishing my CV, and will probably email that off to Margot tomorrow. I hope something good comes of that.
And that's about it. I suppose this post served more as documentaion than entertainment, but I couldn't be arsed describing my weekend in an entertaining manner.
Keep it rockin'.

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