Monday, July 06, 2009

New Headphones

New Headphones
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Finally bought some new headphones today. They're "ear canal" style, which roughly means "uncomfortable". These suckers will take some getting used to. I had a pair of Sony "in-ear isolating" headphones (much the same concept), but they didn't go so deep within my ears.
I first listened to Wiggle's Fabric CD (which I've been listening to a lot lately), and wasn't overwhelmed. I played around with the various tips, and settled on the largest silicon ones (tips, not tits, you perv). I then switched to Mastodon's _Blood Mountain_, and was very unimpressed. I swapped tips again (to the foam type now), and played with the EQ a bit.
Still sounded not that great.
So I swapped back to the silicon tips, and changed to Massive Attack's _Protection_. A quick adjustment of the EQ, and I'm wafting on the most beautiful sound waves.
I'll go back to Mastodon soon, to see if I just didn't achieve a good fit. I'm fairly confident that's the case. Either that or I need a larger capacity jukebox so I can rip my music at something higher than ogg q4.
Oh, and not all is great; the plug for the new headphones doesn't fit in the LCD remote for my iriver. Sucks. I loved that remote.
Looks like there is now very little stopping me from getting a large capacity ipod and Rockbox-ing it.
I will miss you, LCD remote!
This message was sent from my mobile.


Kim said...

Oh hey - I have been following you on flickr for some time (snidegrrl) but didn't notice until now that you have a blog. Der! I'm totally reading it.

JadeMonkee said...

I'm afraif that my blog isn't as much of a read these days; most posts are just cross posts with my Flickr uploads.
But maybe having a new reader will encourage me to post more often!
Thanks for stopping by :)