Monday, February 13, 2006


Well I didn't write that letter to Helen today... I suppose I knew I wouldn't. Instead I had an argument with my younger brother. A pretty fucken big one. So big I walked for 2 hours just to get away. Pete (the brother) can be the very worst person I have ever known. He becomes a shit everytime he doesn't get much sleep - and what a shit he was today.
But anyway, other things did happen today. I started (and finished) book 2 of Preacher - a comic Boggle lent me. Very fucking cool actually. Recommended.
But most importantly we put a deposit on a rental place in Sydney. Or rather, closer to Sydney. It's on Scotland Island. A small place, but pretty and above all cheap. It will be fucking great to be back in civilisation (i.e. A public transport serviced area), but I have to start paying a small amount of rent. So does Peter - and that's where the problem lies; Peter can't budget for shit. So I really hope he keeps up with the rent.
So yeah, that was my day. Meant to be exciting, but in reality just shit.

Listening to: Led Zep - Remasters, Disc 2.
Watching: Mum and Peter arguing outside my car window.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shit scotland island!! no way!! thats an awesome place to live!!! Not really good for public transport, wait till a cold winters day with a gale blowing and you have to catch the boat home from a night out on the cans..