New Headphones
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.
Finally bought some new headphones today. They're "ear canal" style, which roughly means "uncomfortable". These suckers will take some getting used to. I had a pair of Sony "in-ear isolating" headphones (much the same concept), but they didn't go so deep within my ears.
I first listened to Wiggle's Fabric CD (which I've been listening to a lot lately), and wasn't overwhelmed. I played around with the various tips, and settled on the largest silicon ones (tips, not tits, you perv). I then switched to Mastodon's _Blood Mountain_, and was very unimpressed. I swapped tips again (to the foam type now), and played with the EQ a bit.
Still sounded not that great.
So I swapped back to the silicon tips, and changed to Massive Attack's _Protection_. A quick adjustment of the EQ, and I'm wafting on the most beautiful sound waves.
I'll go back to Mastodon soon, to see if I just didn't achieve a good fit. I'm fairly confident that's the case. Either that or I need a larger capacity jukebox so I can rip my music at something higher than ogg q4.
Oh, and not all is great; the plug for the new headphones doesn't fit in the LCD remote for my iriver. Sucks. I loved that remote.
Looks like there is now very little stopping me from getting a large capacity ipod and Rockbox-ing it.
I will miss you, LCD remote!
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