Friday, January 23, 2009

Chilies, chilies, chilies

Habanero chilies - 11:30am
Originally uploaded by Carafaele

I bought Simon some chili plants for Christmas, and I absolutely adore this habanero plant - the chilies change colour so quickly! Yesterday there were three green chilies, this morning one had turned yellow, and NOW - not even yet midday - the yellow chili is orange and one of the green chilies is yellow! Incredible!

We also have a Black Pearl chili plant, which produces bunches of small round (pearl-shaped) chilies that are black and shiny until they mature into a deep red. These chilies are very hot but also very sweet, and thus go perfectly with a variety of asian foods. Very soon we're going to try them out in an eggplant and pork mince dish. Delicious!

I want to grow more.

Gettin Back To Magic

Gettin Back To Magic
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

From inspiration I can't remember, I've been thinking about Magic: The Gathering a fair bit lately. I used to play it in high school, but stopped around year 10, I guess. Then, at Uni, I found out that one of my best mates played, too, and there was a resurgence. It of course, died off, too.
Yet I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Unfortunately, I don't have any of my cards anymore, so last week I went over to Ace Comics and Games in Queen St Mall and bought a duel deck.
I told them that I was hoping to get back into it, and that I was also trying to get Lilly into it. They warned me that the duel deck I was looking at was pretty advanced, so said they'd have a peek out back and see if they had any starter kits left. They were given a bunch of Series 9 starter kits for free when Series 10 came out, and sure 'nuff they had one. So they gave it to me for free! Woo!
Definitely for the best, too, as the advanced set didn't come with a rule book, and I've had to refer to the one included with the beginner set several times. As a second bonus the beginner set was set up for a turn-by-turn guided game, which I think is a good way to learn. It's all worked well.
Lilly and I have probably played about 8 games, and last night we decided to open up the advanced pack. The cards are so much more fun, and the gameplay so much more complicated (and enjoyable). It's good to be playing again.

Just thought I'd tell you that.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Adventures in Energy Drink

Adventures in Energy Drink
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Ho ho! What's this? Yet another energy drink on the market?
Spring Valley have now jumped on the increasingly overloaded band wagon with a line of energy drinks.
Spring Valley, traditionally makers of juices, is trying to differentiate this line of energy drinks by mixing them with juice. There's citrus, blueberry, and this curious mix of blood orange and chilli.
Woah, slow down for a moment there. Did you say chilli?
Obviously, this is something I can't resist; caffeine AND chilli. It's like a match made in heaven.
So I picked one up just now.
There is that definite energy drink taste that Coke tried (and failed) to step away from, but it really is only an undertaste. The blood orange is tasty, and the chilli is actually detectable, which is more than I can say for most "hot" or "spicy" products on the market.
I will be buying this again.
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Saturday, January 10, 2009

candle art

candle art
Originally uploaded by Carafaele

I love having a balcony. We can make candle art there all day long. Beautiful.
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Friday, January 09, 2009

Doodle Of The Day 20090109 (My Birthday)

Doodle Of The Day 20090109 (My Birthday)
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

I wanted to draw how I felt, as I wanted more than just a doodle today.
To start with I thought I'd write how I felt, then draw something about that.
So this is what I came up with.
"I feel ethereal. I think it's the music"
The music I'm talking about comes courtesy of JB HiFi's 20% off sale. They're currently running a 20% off all CDs and DVDs sale, and that discount also applies to their massive CD clearane. So I bought 15 CDs this week, and it only cost me ~$120. Best self-birthday present ever.
I suppose I should also list the CDs that have elevated my mood.
Grails - _Black Tar Prophecies vol's 1, 2, & 3_
Coda - _Calling Mission Mu_ (to which I'm currently listening. They are a beautiful Sydney band, which I saw at The Great Escape back in 2007)
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My Birthday!

My Birthday!
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Woo! Happy birthday to me!
Chrissie (bless her) brought me a super suprise birthday macadamia muffin! Yay!
What a great present!
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Saturday, January 03, 2009


Originally uploaded by Carafaele

We have just arrived at summerfielddayze and we ARE listening to cicada play some AWESOME FUCKIN TUNES. Fuck yeah! Amazing!
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Pre-Summafieldayze Drinks at the YHA

Pre-Summafieldayze Drinks at the YHA
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Currently at the YHA, prepping ourselves for Summafieldayze. Can't wait! Can't wait.
Mickey isn't in the photo, coz he's pooping.
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Thursday, January 01, 2009

On Our Way To Coochiemudlo Island

On Our Way To Coochiemudlo Island
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

It sounds like the name of an island club, but it's just an island like Scotland Island (where I lived for a brief few months) a short ferry ride off of the coast. A nice way to spend our new years day.
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