One Day Weekend
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.
As I said earlier (didn't I?) I had to work last Saturday in helping to map the storm damage for the emergency services. Bit of a bummer, coz it meant that I had to cancel my Margharito Night, and then I was so pooped after work that I didn't even end up going to that Dub Night at the Step Inn.
But this lack of activity didn't ruin the weekend, as Lilly and I decided to head on up to the Sunshine Coast on Sunday for a swim at the Beach.
Fortune was smiling, as just as we were getting ready to leave, Toby called up to see if anything interesting was happening.
So off we choofed to Toby's house (which took longer than usual because we went a different way to find the Inner City Bypass closed without fair warning), and then on up to the Sunny Coast.
First thing we did when we got there was stop at Dickie's Beach for some lunch. A most tasty treat (no photos available) of chicken roll, fish burger, steak sandwich, and beer battered chips.
After such a lovely feed we thought drinks were in order, so we went and bought some bargain basement Woody longnecks.
We then decided to find a secluded beach in which to enjoy our vices.
This took a further half hour in the car, but we found a winner!
We climbed to the top of a dune, found a bit of shade, played some tunes (or at least Toby did), drank, smoked, swam, and had a merry ol' time.
Afterwards, we went to that awesome Morrocan restaurant that we went to with Lilly's cousin Daniel. Although Toby didn't pick the best dish, and it was a little expensive. But I still dug it.
By the time we got home, I was well and truly ready for bed.
I slept well that night.
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