Thursday, June 28, 2007

My "Job"

Ok, so I have a job.
Some of you will not know this. Some of you will not care. I myself do not care that I have a job.
It is a crappy job.
I make ads. Very silly ads.
I use very old programs that are only one step above Microsoft Paint.
I do not appreciate a five-week training module that pays me less per hour and in which I do nothing except purchase food and wonder if anyone would notice if I masturbated at my desk.
I have two trainers, one of whom uses the word 'dubious' a dubious amount of times per day.
In the four weeks I have been here, we have done a solid 10 hours of actual work. This would be ok if the rest of our time was spent larking, but it's not. I have to pretend to pay attention for 8 hours a day, to information that is handled poorly, repeated too often, and given out too slowly.
I am boredom personified.

I was hired as one of a group of ten new recruits, some of us to work day shift and some of us to work night. I opted to work day shift, but upon starting my training (which is during the day) I found out that all ten of us were actually hired to work night shift. Five nights a week. For only $1 more an hour. Bugger that!

If I were to work night shift, not only would I would waste all day sleeping, but I would never see Simon or indeed anyone at all beyond my work friends. As Simon would not want to stay living at my house when I won't ever be there, he would move out... to Newport I suppose, which would make seeing him even more difficult. (Also, it wouldn't be entirely wise to move out together as my job is not stable enough for the long term). This is not what we want.

Yesterday I went to see Steve, who organises the shifts. I asked him if I could work days as the recruitment agency had told me (and everyone) that days would be available. I was denied, and he tried to tell me that "sometimes people get flustered or nervous during interviews and they don't quite listen properly... and they get the wrong impression about the times they work." What a cockmonkeyed thing to say. I told him that everybody had been not only given that impression, but told outright that day shifts were available. But still he fobbed me off with the excuse that there are no desk spaces free during the day (despite the fact that 5 minutes prior to this discussion we had attended a farewell afternoon tea for two day shift workers).

So my plan is thus: Next monday (I finish my training on Tuesday) I am going to go talk to Steve again and tell him that I will be quitting if I cannot have day shifts. I don't quite expect him to capitulate, but I may as well try. I am also going to give him a printed copy of the seek advertisement that recruited us, to confirm to him that all ten of us were not simply "nervous" during our interviews. We were misled by the recruitment company (to what real purpose? I assume it was a mistake on the part of the recruitment agency rather than the company as at makes no sense to knowingly hire people who can't work night shift as you're then paying for training for no reason. On the other hand, the recruitment agency could have made the mistake on purpose, as they THEN get to hire MORE REPLACEMENT workers, and thus make more commission...) and I am going to tell Steve as such.

So yes. This is my "job".

On the brighter side, Simon is taking me out tonight for my birthday (which was a couple of days ago). Yay! I'm really looking forward to it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Things aint so bad

Well, Alex will be coming up for my shindig, and bringing with him some supplies, so that's nice.
Also turns out the phone chargers that I ordered off of Ebay a couple of weeks ago have now arrived (I thought that maybe they wouldn't because the guy I bought them off is "no longer a registered user"). So bless him/her for actually sending them.
Despite not being able to take Friday off, it looks to be a nice, cruisy weekend.


MKP just found out he has been posted for Sunday, so he won't be able to attend on Saturday night. On top of this, my manager just told me that I can't take Friday off because I will need to supervise the Premier Mapping.
What a great weekend.

Best Laid Plans...

It seems that my best laid plans have, indeed, gone awry.
The plan was to arrange a weekend up at the Hunter, with a bonfire and mushrooms.
This plan originally started back when I was at Uni - Denise and I wanted to have a mushroom party in celebration of her finishing Uni.
She finished Uni a few weeks ago, and this weekend seemed the best time for it to happen.
Fortuitously, only a few months ago I found a man that claimed he could get me mushrooms.
I messaged him last week (unsure if calling him would be good if it weren't a good time for him to speak about such matters), and he said he'd see what he could do.
He has not yet responded to any more messages, and every night since Sunday (when he wouldn't be at work) I have forgotten to call him.
So it's probably a no-go.
And the bonfire is also a no-go because of the recent flooding in the Hunter.
On top of this, very few people have responded to my SMS invitation sent out on Monday. So I'm unsure how many people are coming, and many have said that they can't make it.
So, it's probably going to end up being about 5 people, freezing our arses off, huddling around the little fire chimney on my back porch, drinking.
I'll at least see if I can get something to smoke.

Best Outro Ever?

Holy shit.
Seriously, the final song on Cradle of Filth's Nymphetamine, is one of the best outros to an album, ever.
Unfortunately, they ruin the outro by putting the radio edit of the song Nymphetamine after the song, but I like having the radio edit, so I'm not that upset by it.
Still, it's a FUCKING awesome outro.
The song is called Mother of Abominations and it is worth sitting through the 6 minutes to get the outro (but of course, the outro sounds so much better within the context of the album).
Go check it out.

Listening to: Basement Jaxx - Yo-Yo (Wha? After a post like that? Well, it's on random, and it took me a while to write the post, didn't it...)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Disappointing Chilli Challenge

Aw man.
Almost NO reaction from the chilli/bean combo.
I can't believe it.
Josh reported the same. I even had a few more beans with my dinner last night.
This isn't to say that I didn't fart, but just not that much more than usual.
And they weren't smelly (like last time I had Stagg).
I do have a fart in me right now though.
Wish it did more.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Chilli Challenge

Chilli Challenge
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

For lunch today Josh and I decided to create our own Chilli Challenge.
We each bought a can of Stag Chilli, and we each bought a can of bean mix to throw in with it. Only, he bought Regular Stag, while I bought Dynamite Stag, he bought 4 bean mix, while I bought 5 bean mix (sounds like I have an inferiority complex).
Also, because of the recent lack of bowls at TC, and because of the size of our meal, we also stopped off at a Japanese Supermarket and bought some big Japanese bowls (they were 50% off). They're actually pretty nice... but I digress.
I suppose "challenge" isn't the best name, as the only challenge-like part was finishing it - and that wasn't hard anyway. It was done more as an experiment, but I liked the alliteration of "Chilli Challange."
So, what are we testing? Comparing to normal Stag, we will see:
How long it takes to react.
How much gas it generates.
How they smell.
How long the effect lasts.
What the reaction is of our respective spouses.
We will also compare reactions between each other.
So, it looks like it's gonna be a fun night tonight!

Josh forwarded me this, which I thought was appropriate because of the subject matter and the blog:

An epistle by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester:

Perhaps ill Verses, ought to be confined,
In mere good Breeding, like unsavory wind.
Were Reading forced, I should be apt to think
Men might no more write scurvily than stink.
But 'tis your choice, whether you'll read or no;
If likewise of your smelling it were so,
I'd Fart, just as I write, for my own ease,
Nor should you be concerned unless you please.

Dramatic Chipmunk Remix Video | Clipaday

Dramatic Chipmunk Remix Video
He returns! Only to be foiled!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

New Sock Gloves!!

New Sock Gloves!!
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

I have new sock gloves! They're awesome! I bought them at the Winter Magic Festival in Katoomba, from the same stall where I bought my beanie/scarf combo.

New Sock Gloves!!

New Sock Gloves!!
Originally uploaded by Carafaele

I have new sock gloves! They're awesome! I bought them at the Winter Magic Festival in Katoomba, from the same stall where Simon bought his beanie/scarf combo.

Beanie Warmth

Beanie Warmth
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.


I feel so warm now!


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Winter Magic Festival

Winter Magic Festival
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

The main street of Katoomba during the Winter Magic Festival 2007.


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Winter Magic Festival

I love hippies.
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I feel the icy grass crush beneath my feet.
Crunch, crunch, crunch, as we walk home.
We're so close now.
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Accursed Car

So cold. Car is frozen.
Have to walk home.
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The Night is Over

My bus driver is a GEEZER!
But it's funny.
I like him.
I fucken LOVE it (that goes out to Josh).
But seriously, I'm stoked that the bus runs this late.
Fuck yeah! Oakes Rd, here I come!
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Tristan Pees

Tristan Pees
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Watch him.


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No longer Karaoke

No longer Karaoke
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Karaoke is over. This is the girl I love.


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Friday, June 22, 2007

Can't Think

Let alone move shit.
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Awkward Karaoke Moments VII

Awkward Karaoke Moments VII

They're singing Phil Collins.

I'd thought I'd show off my appropriate badge.


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Awkward Karaoke Moment VI

Awkward Karaoke Moment VI
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

This song is about marriage.

It's so touching.

Gods I'm pissed.


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Awkward Karaoke Moments V

Awkward Karaoke Moments V
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

He keeps on keeping on.

It's awesome.

And by now I'm wasted.


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Awkward Karaoke Moments IV

Awkward Karaoke Moments IV
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

I don't know what they're singing about.


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Awkward Karaoke Moment III

Awkward Karaoke Moment III
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

This guy loves the vices.

Karaoke, gaming, gambling, whatever. He LOVES it.


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Awkward Karaoke Moment II

Awkward Karaoke Moment II
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

The hits keep on coming.


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Awkward Karaoke Moments I

Awkward Karaoke Moments I
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

At Karaoke with Leanne's work friends.



A little awkward.

At least it's BYO.

I will probably be meeting with the crew later for drinks. BYO bourbon is getting me drunk.

Ooh! They have Led Zeppelin! Wait, they have LFO? What the?


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At Work. Bored.

Yergh. Don't want to be here anymore.
Everyone is leaving, and because of my tardiness all week I have to leave at 6:30pm.
So bored. Getting tired.
Want to go home.
At least the Mountains will be fun tomorrow.
Mountains, you ask?
Going to the Winter Magic Festival with Mum and Leanne tomorrow. Should be fun.
Will meet up with Kellie while we're up there. One of Leanne's friends (Fiona) will be coming up, too.
Great days.
On Sunday I may be going down to Canberra to see Mark (Leanne's biological Father) and his parents.
Big travel weekend.

Cold this morning

Cold this morning
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

While I didn't find it colder than any other morning, we came out late to find the car covered in ice. It's so thick we couldn't scrape it off, so we went to grab the hose to find it *frozen.*

So we had to find a bucket, fill it with hot water and throw it over the windscreen.



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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Angry Fish Carrot

Angry Fish Carrot
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

I found this angry fish carrot hiding in my dinner.

Man in wheelchair takes wild 80kmh ride | smh

Classic. Silly man.
I don't understand how handlebars can accidentally get lodged into a truck grille though.

Mysterious Blog Reader Recommends... all to read this.
It's crazy weird.
I wonder if it does heighten sexual power... or if using your wang in such a manner only makes it loose and floppy.
I guess I'll never know without giving Tu Jin-Sheng himself a call.

PS, is it alright if I ask who you are, anonymous commenter?

The Farting Preacher | Clipaday
Fart jokes never cease to amuse me.

On a more $erious (and $lightly $carier) $ubject, here is the Wikipedia article on that very mini$ter:
Call 1 (800) 705-7000 now to make a vow.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Two deaths in one day

Holy shit.
This happened outside my office last night.
Strange thing is that if I left when I was meant to (rather than leaving early so I could make it to Grandad's dinner last night) I would have seen it or the carnage that followed.
And that would have been fucked up; two bus fatalities in one day, one at my bus stop, and one at my work. Crazy.

Very Dramatic Chipmunk | Clipaday
This has to be the funniest video I've seen in some time.
I just keep watching it over and over and over and over again.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to watch it some more and continue giggling.

Hairy Marie the Highland Cow

Hairy marie the highland cow
Originally uploaded by nicolas valentin

Now I know all I seem to do is post pictures of animals (/phallic fungi) to Simon's blog, and trust me, I'm endeavouring to curtail this activity, but DUDES I just CANNOT resist this photo. I love her. More than anything in the world. Hairy Marie, will you marry me?

FBi Supporter

Late on my way to work from Mum's. In the car listening to FBi Radio (94.5FM). It's their supporter drive, so they're giving away heaps of shit if you sign up. I've been meaning to for a few weeks now, and being bored in the car today I decided to call them. It's only $7 per month for standard support, or $12 per month for passionate support. So I chose the $12 per month. I scored the Kingtide CD Scared New World. Sick. This is on top of the usual supporter pack, and discounts. Fucken sick.
Go support them (or at least start listening to them - online or at 94.5 FM). They're awesome.

TeeHee! They just mentioned me on the radio!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rabbit Tap

Rabbit Tap
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

The new tap in the kitchen on level 20 looks like a rabbit.


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And I'm in.

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On Our Way

A bus has arrived, and we're on our way.
Turns out the guy was hit by a bus.
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Late - with an excuse.

Late - with an excuse.
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

This was going to be a post complaining about me being lazy and sleeping in, and my subsequent lateness.

But upon arriving at my bus stop, I found this.

The M2 Northbound is down to one lane due to a fatality. A pedestrian actually - I guess this is why they aren't allowed on the motorway.

So, sorry Mr Manager, I'm late and can't help it.


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Monday, June 18, 2007

El Caco

Listening to El Caco (Viva). Fucken totally awesome. I'm so stoked I bought this CD. The Gods were smiling down on me that day.
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In MY Chair!

This man is sitting in MY CHAIR!

I have been sitting in this chair from 4:00 till anywhere between 5 and 6 every weekday afternoon for the last 2 weeks, but apparently this means nothing to some people!

The hide!

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Orange Crush
Originally uploaded by Yankees Man

I don't even know what to say about this dog, though the words 'yikes' and 'holy shit' do come to mind...

It really is worth clicking on this photo and taking a look at the guys photostream, there are SO many totally awesome screwy pictures of this dog... FREAKY!


Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Leanne and I boldly go where no pedestrian has gone before, in an attempt to reach her car after the shopping centre closed while we were wasting 3 hours of our time seeing Pirates 3.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wollombi on Flickr

There is a Flickr user called "Wollombi" where it seems that locals post their photos.
There are some great photos of the recent floods.
Check them out:
Wollombi was an island...

New Flickr Group for Simon & Leanne

Because Leanne and I have two different flickr accounts, and because we go to a lot of the same places and take photos together, we have decided to create a group where photos of our adventures together can be seen in one place - this will save you from having to visit both of our accounts.
Such fun!
We will post any photos of events where we were sharing a camera.
If any of you become members, then you can even create discussions about stuff, but with so many other places to do this (MySpace), I doubt that will be a used feature.
Have fun!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Cow Tongue | Clipaday

Cow Tongue
I don't know if it's real, but if it is... fucked. up.

Phallus Impudicus

This fungus has no idea why it is so popular with the laydees.

Originally seen at:

The Cold Makes Me Late

Yargh. Winter. I hate it. I love it. I hate it because I can't get out of bed in the morning. I love it because it makes bed so nice to be in. I hate it because remaining in bed makes me late, which means I leave late, and because it's winter, it's dark when I leave work. Today is one of those days. I slept in an hour today. I was meant to get in at 7:30am so that I could leave work at a decent hour. It's 8:15am, and I'm in the Lane Cove Tunnel. And I'm hungry - but that's another matter.
But that's one thing I like about my job, you're not late until it's 9am. So, while I'm late because I wanted to start at 7:30am, I'm not late in my manager's eyes. So, yay!
I (or Leanne) will be uploading the photos from the Hunter Valley soon, and I'll give an accompanying blog post when they are up.
Cool. On the bridge now. Be at work soon.

Listening to: Solaa - Steps in Time (those that opened for Shapeshifter).
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

1986 Mac Plus Vs. 2007 AMD DualCore.

86 Mac Plus Vs. 2007 AMD DualCore.
Interesting comparison article on system 'bloat.'

Kid Drum Solo | Clipaday

In a follow up to Kid Zeppelin, I present:

Ohhohh Meth!
Catchy anti-drug jingle. You'll be singing it all day.
Ohhohh meth! Ohhohh Meth!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Photosynth Technology Video | Clipaday
Wow. Just. Wow.
This is a really cool application of technology. It's like we're in the future!

Kid Zeppelin | Clipaday

This kid is AWESOME!

Relaxing Morning

Relaxing Morning
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Ahh! Didn't get up when I was meant to this morning. Leanne and I stayed in bed, happy and warm. We didn't get out of bed until 8:30am, and we took our time getting ready. I told my manager that I'd be in around 10am, but it looks like I'll be even later than that - but it's been a nice morning, so I don't really mind.

You can probably tell from the photo that we bought chips on our way to the bus stop. Turns out they would have been better with gravy, but that happens some times and you've just gotta deal.

So. Hopefully my bus will be here soon, coz it's cold.


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Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Black Seeds

The Black Seeds
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

The Black Seeds are an awesome kiwi reggae band. They're goin off.

Now let's see how well my new phone works in concert conditions (don't worry, I brought my actual camera, too).


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First Post From N95

Hello, and welcome to my first post using my new N95. Hooray!
First impressions are good! I've connected to the net using the wireless access point here at Leanne's parent's house, I've also added the maps for Sydney, so I'll be able to give the GPS a go soon enough.
The only problems I've had so far are a squealing coming from the ear piece when on calls (aside from that squealing, the calls actually sound clearer than my last phone), and the push (instant) email feature isn't working correctly yet.
So. I will see about fixing those problems soon.
And that's all I have to say.
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Yin Yang

Yin Yang
Originally uploaded by expatty

I have found the best cat in the world. It is a God/dess incarnate.

New Phone

New Phone
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

TeeHee! I bought a new phone! It's the Nokia N95.

I'm still at the shops, so I haven't used it yet.

So this means that this will probably be the last post from this phone. It has served me well.

Sad days.


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Oh yes.
So wonderfully satisfied.
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Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

Oh Lord.

I love breakfasts.

At Stockland Mall in Baulkham Hills, came here to get new tyres for Leanne's car. We stopped by Fresh It Up in the food court. We ordered the Everist (sic).

It's awesome.

Back to eating now.


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Friday, June 08, 2007

What's Happened to Me?

I just walked into JB, and I had no urge to buy a CD. Not even to *look* at CDs. I don't know what's up with me. I feel all over different today, so I don't feel as if it's going to be a long lasting problem. But it's odd. And a little worrying. I think I just feel a little out of it today.

Listening to: the food court.
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Case Refunded

Because the computer case I bought didn't have an ir receiver on it, and because the guy who sold it to me said that it did, he gave me a refund. Yay! He said I was mad to do it though, as it was well below cost. I don't care; it's a shit case (I didn't tell him that though...).
So, spontaneous regretful purchase fixed.
Oh, and he said that he doesn't have any Sempron 3100+'s so I wasn't able to get one anyway (which actually makes me feel a little better). Apparently you can't get them anymore.
FYI, the difference between my processor (Sempron 3000+) and the Sempron 3100+ is the 3100+ has 256kb Level 2 cache, and the 3000+ has 128kb.
What that will actually amount to in performance, I don't know, but I figured the $10 difference would have been worth it.
Oh, and Fluidtek don't stock the 20->24 pin power adaptor that I need to hook my mobo up - I will have to visit Jaycar tomorrow to get one.

The Impossible Quiz - 300th Post!

The Impossible Quiz - Presented by AddictingGames
This is annoyingly awesome.
Been playin it for a while now.
Check it out.
300th Post WOOHOO!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Events of Today and Last Night (yesterday and the night before...)

As promised, here are the events of "today and last night," but as time has moved on (as it usually does), they are now the events of yesterday and the night before.
I'll start at the night before.
The Asian Supermarket.
Holy cow, wow.
What an adventure. So many exciting goodies. So, so many. I love Asian Supermarkets, and this one was as big as a Woolworths (not a Tescos though). We bought all manner of fantastic products. I took a photo of everything we bought, included below:

Asian Supermarket Goodness
The description on the photo page contains a list of everything in the photo. I've only tried the fried bread (no good) and the sweet chilli sauce (good). I'll let you know how everything else goes.
After our little shopping adventure, Leanne wanted to take me out to dinner - her knowing that I have been craving Cannelloni for the last few months, she decided to take me out to La Botte (which is across the road from the Asian Supermarket - actually, I have the events kind of backwards here, Leanne wanted to take me to La Botte, and to waste some time between picking me up at the Bus Stop and dinner, we decided to visit the nearby Asian Supermarket).
So we dropped our stuff off at the car, and walked across the road to La Botte. Now. Fluidtek lies between La Botte and the crossing, so I couldn't help but pop in and ask Eddie if there was any possibility of obtaining a Socket A motherboard. He said no, but said for $130 I can get a socket 754 board (the ASUS K8V-VM) and a Sempron 3000+ processor, which will mean I can keep my RAM, and because there is onboard video I don't need a new graphics card. Hmmm. $130 is a good price... so... I bought it. It's a mini atx board. Of course, the problem with the un built graphics card is that I can now no longer can play video games - not that I played many before, but Leanne was having fun on The Sims 2. But it has a PCI-E 16x port, so I can always buy a good video card and use it in my next system (and as the on board graphics only has VGA, I will have to get a new card if I want DVI anyway). Also, I'm not sure how the new Sempron will compare to my old Athlon. As they are two entirely different architectures I will have to wait and see until my PC is running and just compare the time taken to do tasks (although I now have more RAM as the 512MB module that I bought off of Jon should work in this board - but after buying the board I found out that there are only 2x RAM slots, so I can't use the 2x256MB modules that were in my old board, rather I will use the (non-matching) 512MB module that Josh gave me... either that or see if I can get the RAM out of Aaron's old PC. Complicated.).
While I was there I thought I would ask about a HTPC case for my new board (might as well). They had a Silverstone LC16 advertised on their website for $249 (which inlcuded a VFD, Remote control, volume knob, and play/stop etc buttons). He said they were out of stock, but had the Accent HT-200 HTPC case. He described it as the "Rolls Royce" of HTPC cases. He also mentioned that it came with an ir receiver, so I could use a remote with it anyway. It was advertised on the site as being $229, but he said he'd do it for $140. I thought that sounded a bargain so I bought it.
The Silverstone is a good case. The Accent one isn't. The only feature it offers is the VFD. In fact, my $50 case has some usability features that this case is lacking. In all honesty, I have no idea why people would pay any more than the $140 for it.
Even from the moment I opened the vanity flap for the 5.25" drives, one of the two magnets that keep it closed came off... hmmm.
The drive cages are difficult to remove.
There is no external 3.5" bay (I wanted a card reader to go there - and while I can get a 5.25" card reader, I currently have two 5.25" drives, so there isn't room for one).
Also, because of the vanity flap, I can't install my front panel connector for my soundcard (and there isn't room for it anyway, as there is only 2x 5.25" external drive bays).
The motherboard tray doesn't slide out (but it doesn't do that on my existing case, so no biggie).
The PCI card bays are hard to get to with a screwdriver (even my $50 case combated this by having holes for the screwdriver to pass through).
The VFD controller cable has to pass out the back of the case to the parallel port (why not connect to an internal USB header?).
If I wanted to use the breakout box for my soundcard, I would have to stick it outside my case (and I probably would want to).
Now, despite these problems, and because I had seen it online for up to $300, I was happy in the fact that despite it being a basic case, at least it was a bargain (and isn't bad looking). But yesterday I found out that it doesn't have the ir receiver that Eddie said it did. Ok. Fuck that. I don't need a new case right now, I would prefer my actual HTPC to go into a better (more functional) case, and I need the money. So I will be taking it back. If Eddie doesn't let me do so (there is a no exchange for change of mind policy - so all I have to go on is him saying that it had ir when it didn't), I will sell it on Ebay (and maybe get more for it??). Even if he just gives me a store credit, it won't be so bad, as Josh wants me to pick him up an external 2.5" HDD for him anyway. So. Little pissed about that.
Last night I placed the new mobo into my old case and started hooking things up. "Hey-ho, what's this? A 24 pin power connector where my PSU only has a 20 pin. Oh joy." So I couldn't get it all running last night anyway. Grr... Turns out that PCI-E boards require more power. So I need an adaptor (my PSU won't have a problem handling it). I think I can run it without the extra 4 pins, as they are only required for PCI-E, but don't want to risk it. So I will have to ask Eddie for that adaptor. So many problems!!
And Fluidtek is closed today, so I will have to do all of this tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed he lets me do it. Stoopid case. It didn't even come with any installation instructions/information, and the website is vague. Silverstone is heaps better. Rolls Royce - you motherfucker.
Wow. That was a long ramble.
So anyway, after spontaneously buying that stuff (I also bought a USB WiFi connector, despite being warned about USB NICs being a bit hairy... so I hope it works well... my logic was that it's easily removable when I move to a wired network, or need it on another PC), Leanne and I went to dinner at La Botte.
It was tasty! My Cannelloni (veal) had less besciamella sauce than I'm used to, but was nice. The meat had a nice texture. Leanne bought a very nice Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli, and we bought a nice bottle of red for $15. It was a lovely meal, made lovelier by the dessert (CrÚme Caramel and Sticky Date Pudding), and the complimentary port.
Now, I'm not sure that you normally get complimentary port, but the waitress saw that I had bought some computer parts, and talked to me for a bit on routers. So, I think she gave us the port as thanks. Aw, bless.
Man, I want some ravioli right now.
Now, because of the length of this post (and the last one), I will keep the details of yesterday short.
I was due to go to a meeting at Shorelink HQ (in Mt Kuring-gai) for work (Rebecca was to come along, too). We were due there at 9:30am, and to get there Rebecca had to pass through Carlingford, so we decided to just meet me at the BP on Pennant Hills Rd at 8:45am. Easy done. We actually arrived at 9:15am, but when we got in they informed us that the man I was to meet with had called in sick! That motherfucker! So we met with someone else, who didn't really know much about TC, but was helpful (actually more helpful than the man we were meant to meet with), and didn't see any problems with the maps they had in their possession (the reason we were called to meet was because of the problems that the original guy had with the maps). The guy didn't find problems not because he didn't know it well enough, but because the guy we were originally meant to meet with was making problems that didn't need to exist.
So the meeting achieved nothing. So that sucks. And we'll probably have to go back there. Which also sucks.
And now at TC we are just about out of work. Well, not me so much as I have the last of the Premier Illawarra edits to do before we move onto generating the Fare Matrix Tables, but I spent yesterday bludging, and I have spent all this morning doing the same. I do have work now though, so I shall start it now.
And there you go.
Sorry for giving y'all so much to read. I should try and keep posts short, but sometimes I just get carried away. I know they get boring when they are this long. Sorry.

Listening to: Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Les Fleurs du Mal (The new one... it's cool. Actually, a few moments before writing this, I was of the mind that it will get better with subsequent listens - like all the best albums - as it didn't sound exceptional, but just now there was a very cool bit, and I have a very good feeling about this album. Oooh, I like this song; In der PalÀstra. There's a cool choir in it. Very cool. Wow. No, it's a fucking cool song. Dude. This album is hot.)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Boggle's 24th, a Meeting with Sophie, and an Overpriced CD.

EDIT: Photos added!
Although things get a bit hazy toward the end...
Met up with Boggle at the blisteringly early hour of 4pm (what's a birthday party if the host isn't drunk by the time the guests arrive?), and started on the turps at Lord Nelson's. The wonderful thing about winter is that it means Nelson's Blood is on tap. I fucking love that beer. While Boggle and I were hoping to get a meal there, the kitchen was not yet open, so we grabbed a pork pie each... I could totally go a pork pie right now, actually... they were good. Served with Mustard and Relish. Mmmm. Yeah, I want one now. Dammit. Stoopid stuck at work.
We left there after a pint and a pork pie to head to The Hero of Waterloo, which was to be the main destination of the night, and the meeting point for everyone else. Pints are tricksy things, y'know... I was close to drunk by the time Leah (sorry if I spelt that incorrectly...) arrived. So as Boggle and I were getting drunk quickly, and Leah was hungry, we decided to get some food. Both Boggle and I bought their Hero Beef Burger, and Leah a salad. Tasty burger, man. I like the Hero; good food, good music, good atmosphere. Just wish they had Lord Nelson's beer...
We ate and continued drinking, and started moving further into the realm of drunk.
More and more people arrived, but I don't so much remember the order in which they did do.
We met some cool random people; Italians and Campbelltownians among the memorable.
Actually, the guy from Campbelltown was pretty fucking funny. He was hyperactive and had a good sense of humour (even if quite often it was "at" not "with"). He reckoned John 5 (not the robot) was the best guitarist ever, and said this as if it was fact. He only said it because his brother said so, and he trusted his brother's opinion. Of course, this is the first time I've ever heard of him being an exceptional guitarist... needless to say, I don't believe him. He claimed that he was good at bluegrass, and bluegrass was the hardest style of music to play. Silly man.
But he was funny.
So by now, my memories are becoming hazy. I remember Leanne arriving. I remember leaving the pub. I remember going to one nearby (although I don't remember the name). I remember getting cocktails there (and a TASTY chocolate one). I remember falling off my chair because of my heel getting caught on the foot rest (heel + a chocolate cocktail sounds a little queer...). I remember seeing Boggle in a bin. I remember going to McDonalds. I remember ending up at The Brooklyn. I remember not enjoying it and feeling drunk. I remember leaving. I remember the bouncer not letting Boggle in because he had a bag. I remember insulting the bouncer because of it. I remember a cab trip home (but not hailing it). I remember the cabbie nodding off and drifting across lanes. I remember surviving, and being happy about it. I remember waking up, feeling like I was floating. I remember waking up a second time and feeling better.
But indeed, it was good fun.
Sophie contacted me that night. She's about to leave for England (maybe even left by now?), and we both wanted to meet up before she left. So we arranged to grab lunch the next day - so it was good that I felt better the second time I woke up.
We met up at Macquarie Centre, and had Japanese. Very tasty. It was good to see her again, and I'm envious of her trip to England. I wish I could be travelling again. I really, really, really want to go travelling again.
Saturday night was the Cracker Carnival at Leanne's old Primary School (Murray Farm Public). It was cool. We took a lot of photos, and they too will be posted to flickr. Link coming soon. It was cool to have be around a carnival atmosphere again, and fireworks are always cool.
The next day we were to meet up with Pete (Talan) down at Newport, as I haven't seen him in some time. Mum was up in the Hunter, but she arrived by about 7:30pm and we had Thai with her. Tasty Thai down at Newport, but their noodles aren't as good as Sweeney's or Chat Thai. Also, my new Sopor Aeternus CD (and LP) was down there waiting for me.
I'm a little disappointed with it. Not worth the $100 they charged (for the CD alone). Because the site I bought it off was in German, I couldn't get a decent description of what it contained (despite using online translators), but looking at their previous bonuses (grave dirt, communion wafers, funeral wreaths, tshirts, patches, posters, DVDs among others, I figured it would be something super cool.
It's in a nice box, and it's in a nice format (large, maybe 20cm x 20cm) with a nice booklet. But the bonus was a signed card (which, despite being cool, I already have one of) and a manga comic of the album. Whoopee. Well, the comic is big, but I don't like Manga. Here is what Babel Fish tells me it came with:

The CD comes in, a stable Deluxe limited on 2000 copies box with 6-seitigen Digipak in the 7"(!)-Sonderformat, 40-seitigem Booklet of inclusive all texts, extensive illustrations and exclusive photos, 112-seitigem Sopor Aeternus Manga Comic and one of Anna Varney personally by hand coined/shaped and marked dear map.
Dear map? Coin? Those where the the things that intrigued me. The coin is a stamp in the corner of the signed card, and the dear map is the card. Shit. $100 of terrible value. Dammit. The last box set was heaps better. I haven't really listened to the album yet, as I wasn't really home yesterday to listen to it, and I forgot to rip it to my mp3 player before I left for work on Monday morning. I also didn't bring my iriver to work today. So tomorrow I shall have a listen. I hope it's really good. I might add I got number 1999 (2000 would have been cooler, but 1999 is still pretty cool)
I also bought the album as a twin LP set (which was only $50, and limited to 500 copies! Where's the logic? - I got number 147(?) maybe?), and as is the usual deal when vinyl comes through the post, it was damaged, so that was disappointing. I actually ordered the vinyl because I'm quite fond of vinyl, and it had a different cover - because of this different cover, I thought there would be different artwork, but no, it's an identical booklet to the CD. And while in transit, the booklet tore away a little from the staples that hold it to the sleeve. This on top of the dents in the corners makes me a little unhappy. Grrr... But it came with two posters (which means I now have three Sopor Aeternus posters now... hmmm, I don't think I need three...). So, a disappointing parcel.
On a happier note, the adaptor that I bought to hook up Peter's laptop HDD to a USB port works a charm! I tried it when I met him at Newport, and moved his old music and photos off of his broken laptop, and onto his new one. So that's good.
I should cover the events of today and last night, but I think I've typed enough for one post, so I will leave you at this, and add the events when I get home tonight, or maybe even tomorrow at work (as this lack of work will probably continue).

Monday, June 04, 2007

Asian Supermarket

Oh my God. Leanne and I are in the biggest Asian Supermarket I've ever been to. There's so much crazy stuff. I shall take photos of all that we have bought and post it to flickr soon.
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I don't understand why in winter heaters heat places (in this case, my bus) to Summer temperatures, while in Summer the air conditioning drops the temperature to Winter temperatures. Are people just contrary?
Yags, this bus is warm.
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You Motherfucker!

The bus driver just pulled away with me running after the bus. People had barely alighted by the time he pulled away, motherfucker didn't even wait 10 seconds.
No real reason to complain though, the next bus is due to arrive in <5 min anyway - it's just that it's cold here, waiting.

Listening to: Traffic noise, as my beanie is getting preference over my headphones.

I might add, that by the time I'd finished typing this up, another bus had arrived. Yay! I'm defrosting now!
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Dear Abby...

I have the nagging (and somewhat nauseating) suspicion that my photograph tacked to the top of this blog is frighteningly Dear Abby-like.

What do you think?
Are you having any family/relationship/workplace/general troubles that you would like me to provide my "uncommon common sense and youthful perspective" on?

Feel free to write in. I'm just brimming over with good and soundly advice about personal problems. Honest.

Important Announcements Beneficial to Your Happiness and Survival

As my first act as sometime co-contributor to this blog, I wish to make the following announcements:

1. Spies ARE among us, but they're not as cool as you might think.

Codeword: Fabulous

2. Portuguese Water Dogs are also among us, and they are FAR COOLER than you might think.

Take Girella for example. Like our beloved Simon, she is a lover of music. Yet unlike our beloved Simon, she has been photographed with over 80 of her favourite bands including; Deep Purple, Fun Lovin' Criminals, Hot Hot Heat, The Howling Bells, Kaiser Chiefs, Nada Surf, Pennywise, Soulwax and The White Buffalo.

Girella with Tv on the Radio

Girella with Franz Ferdinand

Girella with José González

What is the moral of this post, you ask?
When you realise that dogs are more successful at life than you, you can at least be thankful that you are not (yet) an old woman. Or a spy. Spies are lame.

And Introducing...

What with all the interesting things found in life and on the Internet, I feel that to try and report on it all just isn't possible by myself.
So, after seeing examples of cool things that Leanne has come across, I have decided to add her as an author to my blog.
So she will now post interesting things she comes across on the Internet, and after email is set up on her phone, she will also be able to post interesting things while out in the world (probably photos, too, if Telstra allows attachments to her emails). She will also add a different perspective to events that we have attended, and report on any that she attended.
So, without further ado, I present...

YouTube - Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities

YouTube - Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities
A promo video for the Microsoft Surface computer.
Other videos also here, and here.
Pretty cool idea, but the payment thing seems a bit unnecessary when you can just get your waiter/ess to divvy the bill up for you.
I think the best feature is the ability to place your camera on the surface and have it transfer files over, and being able to share stuff with people just by placing the devices on the table.
Of course, why would you want to share any music though, when you can only listen to it for three days.

Thanks to Mickey for the link.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Man shot dead for bad karaoke | NineMSN

Man shot dead for bad karaoke
Crazy. What the hell?

"The popular Frank Sinatra song "My Way" has been taken off many karaoke bars in Manila after it was found to be the cause of fights and even deaths when patrons sang out of tune."

Thanks to Tristan for this link.

Most Hardcore Singing Ever

Most Hardcore Singing Ever
Wow. This kid is a psycho.
Freakin funny.

Didn't Die

Just thought I'd let you know - we didn't die.
I'm safely back at Carlingford. Yay!
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Sleepy Driver

This taxi driver appears to be tired. He seems like he wants to nod off. He's weaving between lanes, and his head is bobbing.
If he falls asleep and kills us, I want people to know that I love Leanne very much.
I'm also very appreciative of my friends. They were (are) all something very special.
Thank you.

Listening to: 702am - the radio station that the cabbie turned on to keep him awake.
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Friday, June 01, 2007

Woo! Drunk!

Woo! Drunk!
Originally uploaded by JadeMonkee.

At Boggle's 24th, and totally drunk.

It's awesome!


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Old Guy Singing in the Loo

He bust it out. He sung while he peed. He then ruined the whole "cute old guy" thing by spitting into the urinal.
Crazy old people.
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Albino Deer

Albino Deer
Originally uploaded by scooterskipper.

So creepy...
Gives me the eeby jeebies lookin at it.