Tenacious D time you motherfucker, go!
So last night was the Tenacious D concert. Most awesome. It started out with them lying in their loungeroom and waking to play for us - so it was already a more interesting stage show than last time. Lee himself came out and raided their fridge and smoked a bong with them. Then JB decided that the band needed to move into the 22nd century and go electric.
He said he'd bought an electric guitar that day that some guy had made himself - it was made from tin foil, an extension cord and a toilet seat. Because it was electric, they plugged it into the wall and promptly electrocuted themselves.
They played a video of their descent into hell, where they came across the anti-christ playing guitar, and Colonel Sanders and Charlie Chaplin playing drums and bass. So they started a band.
The screen retreated and revealed hell - complete with 666 drum kit, volcanoes and skulls. They rocked. It was awesome. I ended up to the side of the stage because it was easier for Leanne to see, and was pretty close. I took a heap of photos (my zoom rules), but the camera had trouble focussing in the poor light... which sucks. It may have had to do with the batteries being near dead, too.
Ben and I finished work at 4pm so that we could get on the drink before the show. Poor Josh wasn't going to come to the show - the Tenacious Triangle would be incomplete.
I met up with Leanne after work, and the three of us headed to the Strawberry Hills hotel for happy hour - and what a happy hour it was.
Before this though, we stopped at a newsagent to get the stuff necessary for a kickass Tenacious D sign. We made it at the pub, and added authentic beer stains. Awesome. It read "I poisoned your wine!" and had a goblet as the Y, with a demon hand holding it, and a pitchfork + pentagram exclamation mark. It was fuggen kickass. I will try and post a photo today.
We also had a quick go on the pokies, but only lost money.
I called the rest of the gang (Jon, Helen and Boggle) and decided to meet them at the Captain Cook hotel (I'd already arranged to meet Ross and his roommate Chris there).
So we hopped in a cab and headed over. The cabbie was a champion. Had a great conversation with him about food, heat and sex. Funny guy. We thanked him and gave him a tip in gratitude.
Shortly after we arrived there, Ben recieved a call from Josh; he was coming. Fucken A. This meant Ben had to run over to the Hordern and buy a ticket though. So off he went. He was fucken puffed. But he got one! And more than that, they sold out just behind him! Just in the nick of time, Josh! Awesome. The triangle was complete!
We all grabbed a steak there (I realise more and more why I don't enjoy steak), and headed in.
And the rock began...
On other news, I shaved my head last week (a number 2). I reckon it looks awesome. Almost every Summer I think about it because of the heat, and this time I finally decided to go ahead with it - and I'm totally happy with it. Showering is easier, sleeping is easier, putting on headphones is easier, getting ready is easier, swimming is easier, having the window down in the car is easier. Generally, it's all good. Stoked. I had all intentions of growing it all back, but because of the simplicity it brings, I'm less sure now. I'll see as it happens.
I'm late for work. I was buggered after The D last night, so I slept in an hour, and now I'm late. As I walked up to the station the express train arrived and left, and I'm now on the stop-at-every-station-wait-at-every-station-coast-between-every-station-take-longer-than-any-train-should 8:45am service from West Ryde, and I'm fekkin late. I thought I'd get in (late) at 9:15am, but it's now that time and I'm only at Redfern. Lame.
So this is all I can be bothered typing right now.
Listening to: train noise. This is the very reason you folk got this post; I left my bag at the office so that I didn't have to carry it to The D. Because of that I have no iriver, and no book. So I turned to my blog for entertainment.
This message was sent from my mobile.
Edit o'clock... here is a pic of our sign: