It sucks. It really does. I can't believe anyone can even begin to consider continuing to use it.
My uncle does. I'm at his place now fixing his PC, and that involves updating the anti-virus software. 16MB on dial-up is no fun at all. Especially at 26Kbps. Man I'm bored. I can't even check my email coz it will slow the connection too much. Oh, and another thing, the connection disconnects itself whenever the screen saver activates. That just makes it THAT much more annoying. It's a funny thought that the 'net on my phone is faster than the 'net on this PC. Albeit much more expensive...
At least I have my H340. Speaking of which, Needleboy, the guy that used to make the H300 experimental build of Rockbox on the forums, up and quit the game the other day. At least this version is rather stable and feature-packed. Another guy is doing a slightly optimised build for himself and distributing that, but it's not as well documented, updated, or feature packed. Oh well. Thank you Needleboy for doing what you did.
Another thing concerning my H340: I've been wanting to update the HDD to 60GB for some time now, and the other day I decided it was time. I found a dirt-cheap "as-is" HDD on eBay (US$80 after shipping, compared to the usual US$175) and decided to take the gamble. It arrived a short 4 or so days later, as did the USB enclosure I bought with it.
Not entirely suprising, but the HDD didn't work. It squeals and clicks when you turn it on, and doesn't get recognised, or even send data to the PC (The activity light on the enclosure doesn't light up). So I've downloaded a hard drive repair guide, and am going to have a go at fixing it. I just need some "star" screwdrivers to open the sucker up. Also, the enclosure doesn't properly fit the double platter HDD. Sucks, hey?
In other news, Alex lent Mum and I the "Lost" Series One boxset last week. "Lost" is fucken awesome. Shit it's cool. Motherfucking totally kickass. I now just have to wait until I get ADSL so I can torrent series two. I applied for ADSL two days ago. Unfortunately, ADSL2/2+ isn't yet available in our area, so we had to sign up for 1500k ADSL. Oh well. Rumour has is that my exchange should be ADSL2+ ready in June. So we're buying a 2+ compatible modem in the hope that it will be, and we can upgrade. Be sweet if we can get good speeds on the island.
So yeah, that's it in my life really, and although there is a little more to tell, I think I've written enough.
'Till next time!
Listening to: Fu Manchu - The Action is Go (Album)