Howdy peeps (noticed I have a reader I've never met before - so an extra amazed hello to you Viola D!).
Sooooo.... where's my life now? I don't really know if any real progress has been made (should life always be moving forward anyway? I suppose at my age it really should... so at least for the moment making no progress is a bad thing).
Where was I at my last post? Ah yes, Big Day Out... Was actually watching the Big Day In (the telecast of this and previous Big Day Outs) yesterday at Ross' new place. I became all nostalgic... I Love Big Day Out. I really do. Actually, during that, Sophie called me. We had a lovely conversation, but it turns out she's moving back to Taree soon. Sucks... I should have caught up with her for cofee earlier.
So yeah. My Brother Alex went to do his SCUBA diving course the other week, and I filled in for him at work. 4 days of moving safes; I felt so manly. Kinda. At least the money was good, and heaven knows I need money after NZ.
I also worked a day the following week, so money wasn't too bad the following week either (being paid for Friday AND Tuesday of that week). But, alas, I've had to buy both PUSA and Suicide Girl tockets, as well as pay the $86 overdrawn amount off of my Credit card. So, once again, Money is tight. Hoping to work sometime this week - and will be if Jason's Wife gives birth (so I'll have to cover for him).
Alex loved the SCUBA course. So much so that he is enrolling in a more advanced one, and then several more. He's hoping to become a Police diver. Crazy... It's good that he has hobbies he enjoys, coz heaven knows he doesn't like his job. Hmmm, that's twice I've said "heaven knows."
Hmmm I remember last weekend being good... ah yes, that's right, we went down to Hornsby for an "Old Skool" night (i.e. the kinda night we would have had when we were 18). It was a good nigfht actually. Ended up staying at Tristan's place. Woke up at the embarrassing hour of 2pm. Yikes, probably haven't done that since I was 18 either. Funnily enough, 4 suburbs away, Boggle and Ross woke up at 1pm after the same night... I guess it was expected. A wonderfully male breakfast of a hamburger with the lot (with chips) later, Tristan and I watched the Suicide Girls DVD. Damn good soundtrack actually (I'm not saying it was underground or in anyway musically special, I just really enjoyed it). I wish there were one available to purchase. As there isn't, I'm going to have to find either a) a pre-compiled torrent of one (none found to date, in fact I've already given up) or b) download all the songs myself, and compile on myself. Pain in the ass on my my connection, and P2P has never been as good since Napster died. Curse you LARS!!
Anyway, after the DVD, Tristan and I headed over to Jon's place for a Kung Fu and Pizza night. His local video shop is selling off all of their Martial Arts section for $1 a pop. So we visit that fairly regularly. They fucken rock. There are these groups of Aussie guies that take old Martial Arts movies and splice themselves into them. Of course they can never interact with the original characters, so their fighting scenes are totally unrelated to any of the "orginal" characters. Pretty funny. To compound the humour further, they over dub their own English lines with new voices. Why, I don't rightly know. They also wear really bright ninja costumes with headbands that read "NIN JA." Seriously. Totally classic. We ended up staying up to 6am (no beer needed) watching these ninja movies, Rage (it was a fucking emo special. Fucking emo), and Christain TV. Funny fucking shit Chritstian TV. Some preacher rabbitting on about how the Devil is not only real, but very powerful, and of course the soul reason for war, pestilence etc. I bet.
Last week. I don't think much happened during the week. Or did it? Like I said, I don't remember. Bought my tickets. Bought some CDs (as usual). Went over to Brendan's place for drinks and movies.
Had people up Friday night (Brendan, Leanne and Boggle), and we watched some Pete and Pete (I cannot express how much I Love Pete and Pete), and some terrible movies (Namely Hercules in New York). Yup Terrible. Went over to Ross' new place for a BBQ Sat night. He's moved out to Lane Cove West (with his Brother, Andrew, and his wife, Sally).
And here I am now at home.
Hoping to go see the Johnny Cash movie on Tuesday with Agata, only thing is that I haven't asked her yet... will do that tomorrow.
I still haven't actually written that letter to Helen. Fuck I'm a bum. I'll do that when I'm in Sydney tomorrow too. I hope.
Yup, I'm a bum alright.
Drove the Ute home from the station today (~45 minutes). Gettin better. Need to get that license. NEED it.
Is that it?
Later peeps.
Listening to Cypress Hill - IV (Album)