Friday, October 28, 2005


So, last update, it didn't occur to me to talk about the eels concert that I went to on Wed the 20th Oct with Mum, Linden, Monique and Jess.
It was freakin awesome. They toured with a quartet (well, there was four of them on strings, if that is the definition of a quartet, then that's what it was), so there was a great spin on the songs. The drummer ("The Chett") was awesome, and actually more than a drummer (which is why he was awesome). They weren't actually drums as such, but rather a suitcase and a trash-can. So cool. The Chett also played those country and western slide guitars (the ones that aren't guitars, but actually a board with strings on it and a pedal), the saw (totaly awesome), and numerous other instruments I can't recall.
During one of the songs (I wish I could remember which), all the string players put donw their string instruments and picked up a percussion instrument. One of the instruments was a dildo that she held against the mic to give a rattly-like sound. Fekkin cool.
E walked out on stage wearing a suit, and a bowler-like hat, brandishing a cane, a cigar and a brandy. Tops.
It was a really god-damn good concert (although I wasn't as happy afterward as I was with the first time I saw them). And E really treats the audience well. He talks to us as if it were in one-on-one conversaton. When he was talking one time, someone shouted something out, and he says "shhh..... talking." I liked that.
The best part was the final encore though. Like the last concert of theirs that I went to (2003), they performed one final encore after even the house lights were turned on; just for the fans that stuck around. They all came out in their pajamas; one of the string players (who were originally wearing evening dress) came out in eels underpants. So cool.
So yeah, it was a rip-snorting concert.

And on Wednesday night (the 26th), I saw Electric Six with Boggle and Monique.
That was some freakin awesome rock and roll funk disco. The opening act was Midnight Juggernauts. I've heard their name before, but had never heard them before. They were really fucking cool. Like horror electro rock. Yeah they were awesome. A great opening band always makes a concert so much better.
The lead singer from Electric Six had such a mad presence. He would wave at the crowd, pose for the crowd (a long, very still forced smile) and generally just be fucking awesome. A really top gig.
On the way home, I ran into an old friend from uni, Sophie. She was catching the same bus as us (to Milson's Point), and we talked all the way there, then we hopped on the train home, and continnued talking. I made sure I had her number. A tops night overall.

I've got Nat's Birthday BBQ this Sunday. I'll probably meet up with him on Saturday first though, and stay over.
Unfortunately I'm pretty sick right now, so I'm hoping that I feel better before then.
Also becase Daylight savings starts Sunday, and all next week I am working at Safe Installations (7am starts... 5:30am wake-ups). Bloody daylight savings.
So I hope I feel better ASAP.

My DS is still without a DS game (only have BA games). Nuts. But I suppose it's worth it coz I bought A Feast For Crows yesterday instead of a game. I've been waiting 3 years for that sucker to come out. I'm up to page 100, and it seems good so far. I'm going to read it when I'm done on this post.
And it looks like I'm done on this post.
Keep it rockin' folks!

Listening to: Janes Addiction - Ritual De Lo Habitual (Album)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Another day, another... day?

Well, yes, another day has passed by.
Relishing my time at home alone, I decided to not go down to Sydney today, but rather stay at home. Every time I do this, I am reminded why I like people. Gods I'm bored.

Lstening to: Monty Python - Money Song

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The weekend

Well... Tim L has been accepted into the airforce (life-long dream) as a navigator (hopefully a jet navigator), so on Friday night we had a farewell dinner for him at a new restaurant in Hornsby. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I only shared a dish with Monique, but the food was great, and we had a fair bit of wine.
We then went over to the Blue Gum for more drinks. Quite a few more drinks actually, but I didn't really get drunk. A good thing.
I played one horrible game of pool, and then played so well I won the next 3. Kickass.
We then went over to the RSL and had a few more drinks.
The night ended at about 4am, and I was buggered the next day (and still feeling under the weather).
Watched Team America which was hella funny, and then popped on the 2:50pm from Hornsby and went home (with a stopover at Yummy Thai in Morisett).
Didn't do much today, watched The Night of the Lepus which is a terrible '70s movie about giant rabbitts. Pretty cruisy.
I still feel under the weather - but so much physically anymore (a good thing I suppose), and am rather bored.
I've come very close to finishing my CV, and will probably email that off to Margot tomorrow. I hope something good comes of that.
And that's about it. I suppose this post served more as documentaion than entertainment, but I couldn't be arsed describing my weekend in an entertaining manner.
Keep it rockin'.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

First post!

Hey folks!
Thanks for tuning in.
Well, I've been at home bored for two days, and as so often happens when one it bored, they start trying new things. This blog is one of those new things.
I thought this morning that I should keep a diary/journal, and being a great big smelly nerd, I figured that this would be the best way.
I will document travels (rather than sending so many emails), rabbit on about weekends. And whatever else tickles my fancy.
Man that sounds gay.
Ok. That's enough from me...